* 2003 * The Year of The King's Character*

Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, December 21, 2002

The Lord is saying that, "this will be a year of great spilling out. There will be a spilling out of My body of all waste things. All the things that do not edify, all the things that I cannot use," says the Spirit of God, "there will be a spilling out of these things. There will be a great reduction in the servants because I am calling up new servants, I am calling up faithful people, I am calling up tried & true people," says the Spirit of God. 

"So don't be amazed and don't be afraid when some of the people that you thought were where they were because I was with them are there no more," says the Spirit of God. "Some, I will take aside for a season to open them up and spill them out, pour in new things, and they will return, and they will come back more powerful," says the Spirit of God. "Some will be opened and spilled out, and will not be able to maintain the new wine because I need to make the garment new again before I can fill up with everything that they need to bless this earth and be like I would be in the earth," says the Spirit of God. 

"For it is a great master task to be reformed to be reformed, and reshaped, and remolded in My character," says the Spirit of God. "And look around you," says the Lord. "Some cannot take the stretching. 
Some cannot take the stretching of the wineskin. Some cannot take the pulling and some cannot take the grinding that is necessary to stretch the wineskin to make it more pliable and make it new. Some are very stiff and very contracted. And if they're stiff and contracted, they will crumble and burst when I try to pour in the new wine that I want them to spill out into the earth. 

"And some are hanging on by tender fragments and threads," says the Spirit of God. "Some of you have been almost shipwrecked, and you feel like you're the guy floating on a splinter; that you just grabbed a little splinter of the boat, and you're barely hanging on," says the Spirit of God. "But hang on!" says the Spirit of God. "Hang on because you will make it safely to shore. There will be a loss, but the loss will be of the things I cannot use," says the Spirit of God. "There will be a loss, but the loss will be of the things that do not edify, and do not bless, and do not help My cause," says the Spirit of God. 

"And look for Me to rebuild you anew. Look for Me to rebuild you on the inside and it will come out on to the outside," says the Spirit. "Look for Me to begin to stretch you in ways that you've never been stretched before, but it will be glorious!" says the Spirit of God. "It will be glorious because you will be a vessel fit for the Master's use. You can contain My glory on the inside of you, and you will be a great release to people all around you," says the Spirit of God. "Look for that to come to those who will endure the stretching and the pulling, that they might be more pliable, that they might be more usable," says the Spirit of God. 

"And those who are stiff and rigid, and will not bend, and will not yield, and will not obey, and will not submit to My stretching, and My pulling, and My devices that I use to get you ready to pour out My glory - look for those to become bitter towards you. Look for them to fall away. Look for them to even try to pull you off of what you know I've called you to do. 

"But understand that you can be like the apostle Paul - that when he was bitten by the viper out of the fire, he shook it off. This will be the year when My chosen ones will shake things off that used to bug them. You will shake things off that used to hurt you. You will shake things off that used to depress you. You will shake things off that used to keep you down and used to keep you confused," says the Spirit of God. "For what I pour into you and into your character will build you so great in your inner man that you will walk in total authority over all the sneaky devices of the enemy. Every snake that the enemy would send to try and pull you off of the desired way, that would pull you off of the path of righteousness, that would distract you and try to manipulate you and cause you to come into a confusion, you will SHAKE IT OFF," says the Spirit of God. "YOU WILL SHAKE IT OFF! No more victim mentality for most of you," says the Lord. "For you know now that you are no longer a victim, but you are a victor in Me. Well, you will experience that this year," says the Lord. "You will experience that in greater and greater measure, where the things that would cause you to doubt yourself and doubt your abilities and doubt whether you were right or doubt whether you were walking with Me, you will shake those things off," says the Spirit of God. "And you will keep going, and the poison will not hurt you. It will not make you sick, and it will not make you fall, and it will not make you doubt who you are in Me," says the Spirit of God.

"For this is the year of the strong faith of the believer. This is the year for the faith that will move a mountain. This is the year of the faith of Abraham who knows all things are possible to Him whom he serves.

"So understand the character of the King. The character of the King comes that you might rule in majesty and you might rule in wisdom, and great justice and judgment," says the Spirit of God. "As you judge things by the Spirit, and you will execute My Word by the Spirit, and you will see things line up by My Word and by My Spirit, you will see great and mighty miracles because you know how to be emptied out and filled up so that you can pour out the right thing.

"And you will know the holy from the profane. You will know the holy from the profane. You will not mix it up any more, and you will not sling mud any more, and you will not have gray areas any more," says the Spirit of God. "You will discern the holy from the profane. And you will keep what is holy, holy. And you will not damage the things that I've given you to be a blessing to you," says the Spirit of God.

"So take heart, and believe. Take heart, and believe. Take heart, and believe, believe, believe, believe, believe that you have survived the greatest separation. And you have survived and you have hung on, and you will be built up and you will be stretched and you will be pulled and you will be filled up and it will be glorious as you pour out the new wine. You pour out that which is good and refreshing and sweet to people. You pour out that which brings life. You pour out that which brings joy. You pour out that which brings understanding and wisdom," says the Spirit of God. "As you pour out My glory on the earth, it will be you being used by Me in all of My glory," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"The year of the King's character. The year of the character of the King. They will see the King through My people," says the Lord. "They will see Me in all My glory and majesty through My people," says the Lord. "They will see Me through you. They will see Me through you. They will see Me through you," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"It will be a year of living dangerously for some. Those who will not yield to Me will fall away. But those who yield to Me and serve Me will live deliciously in Me," says the Lord. "You can live deliciously, or you can live dangerously in Me," says the Lord. "The choice is up to you. For I must move forward. I must move forward with My plan on the earth. I must move forward with My plan on the earth," says the Lord. "Because I have prepared places for some of you to be moved into in high places of visibility, where you will be seen, and you will appreciated, and your words will be received and you will affect many," says the Spirit of the Living God. "There's some of you who have been being positioned, and don't understand how I work in the positioning, but you will understand more in the days ahead," says the Spirit of God. "You will understand much more in the days ahead. It will be as though great scales will fall from your eyes," says the Lord. "The anointing in the past has somewhat blinded you, but now your vision will be adjusted that you might see as I see," says the Spirit of God. "And that this vision that I give you, this new understanding, this new ability that I'm placing in you," says the Lord, "this ability will put you in the place that I want you to be, that you might be visible for Me, and you will help many, and you will set many free because of what I've put into you," says the Spirit of God. 

"And you will be able to handle everything that comes with it because it will not phase you. It will be so natural to you to flow this way because of what I'm doing on the inside of you. I'm preparing you on the inside, so that what shows on the outside will be you. It will be a normal part of you and the things that you do," says the Lord. 

"So be attentive to My leading. Don't push, don't shove, don't try to get ahead of Me, don't break rank. Please don't break rank. But allow Me to position you where I want you to be. And only speak at My urging, and speak words that I will give you that will edify and that will bless and that will crush the enemy's head so that you don't have to worry about retaliation. You don't have to worry about these things. For the King can scatter evil just with his eyes," says the Spirit of God. 

"So know the character of the king. Know the ability that I give you when I place may authority on the inside of you," says the Lord. "Know that this is coming. This is coming. This is coming. This is coming. This is coming. But only to the faithful. Only to the faithful. Only to those who yield, and only to those who submit," says the Spirit of the Living God.



See Also Prophecies:

December 22, 2002
* 2003 * The Year of The King's Character*

December 28, 2002
* 2003 * The Year of The King's Character*