Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, May 22, 1999

"Don't break rank," says the Spirit of God. "Don't break rank. ," says the Spirit. "Don't break rank. Don't break rank. Don't break rank," says the Spirit of God. "Don't move out into something I haven't called you to. Don't desire something that belongs to somebody else. Don't desire things for the wrong reason," says the Lord. "The bible tells you to 'earnestly covet the best gifts'. The best gifts. The BEST. The best thing for you is what I have for you," says the Spirit of God. "It's not what belongs to somebody else," saith the Lord.

"So earnestly covet the best gifts. The best gifts are those that are reserved for you, that fit you perfectly, that might be used by you so that you could show forth My Glory in your own unique & peculiar way," says the Spirit of God. "So covet the best that I have for you," says the Spirit of God. "Covet the things that the Spirit of God gives freely," says the Spirit. " Covet the things that you don't have to get man's approval to receive; that you don't have to stand at man's foot to receive; that you don't receive necessarily from man's hand except it be through My Spirit," says the Spirit of God.

"Forget the former things: what man has told you is necessary in order to receive from Me," says the Spirit of God, "and listen to the voice of My Spirit that tells you how to march in order. How to step-step and step. How to step-one-two, step-one-two, step-one-two, step-one-two. And repeat that until it becomes a working part of you," says the Spirit of the Living God; says the Lord. "For even after soldiers have been long out of the army," says the Lord. "they still have those old habits," says the Spirit. "They still have those old soldier habits," says the Spirit. "My roots run deep. My roots run deep. I am trying to deepen your roots," says the Lord. "By have you doing these things over and over again," says the Lord. "Having you stay at this level until you perfect it," says the Lord. "Having you study these things until they are a part of you," says the Spirit of the Lord.

"And when you have perfected them and you can step-step-step in order, step-step-step, step without breaking rank; step-step-step, and move out under My Unction," says the Spirit of God. "then as you move and as you go, I will begin to bring things out of you that I have placed in you from long ago," says the Spirit, "and you will get into a place of ministry and you will get into a place where there is a need and you will yield to me and you will think, 'I didn't know I had that in me!' because you have learned to step-step in order, step-step, step, step. You have learned to stay in that place and to keep your heart pure so that I could speak to you through the people that I set you under," says the Spirit of God.

"All things are necessary," says the Lord. "All these things are necessary. All these things are necessary that I might discipline you and I might find you faithful so that when I need you, you would be available. Then you could move out under My unction; you could move out under My leading. You could move out in confidence knowing that you know how to hear the voice of the leader and you know how to step and step," says the Spirit of the Lord. "That you would step-step-step and not break rank," says the Spirit of God. "No matter where you are, no matter what kind of place you're in, no matter what kind of assembly, or what kind of a meeting, you still have your proper place and you know how to step-step-step in order, no matter what body I place you with," says the Spirit of God. "You know who you are in me, you know your gift, and you know your calling," says the Spirit of God.

"So understand this is necessary. There is a stepping that is anointed and there is a stepping that is not. There is a moving out that is anointed and there is a moving out that is not. Learn the difference," says the Lord. "Learn to march to that step that I have given you," says the Lord. "And you will be a part of this great army. You will be one that can handle very heavy weapons," says the Spirit of God. "Nothing will overwhelm you because I will put you in places where I have equipped you to be, and I know I can trust you," says the Spirit of the Living God. "So in this time of equipping," says the Lord, "understand the step-step that is necessary. Understand the step-stepping that is necessary. Understand the routine things are necessary. Understand the mundane things and the things that seem to be boring are necessary," says the Spirit of God. "They are necessary. They are necessary. They are necessary. They are necessary. They are necessary. They are necessary," says the Spirit of the Living God. 

1 Chronicles 12:17-18, 33, 38


See Also Prophecies:

January 5, 2002
"Protection in Not Breaking Rank"