The Former and the Latter Together
Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, January 13, 2001

“The work of the early church will return to the earth,” says the Spirit of God.  “I will not take a bride out of this earth who is not full of power, not full of authority, not full of victory, has not done what I’ve commanded her to do,” says the Spirit of God.  “And I have been waiting for ages and ages, and years and years, for My people to respond to the call—to the true bridal call,” says the Spirit of God.  “For My church to respond with a heart of compassion to see humanity set free.  To see people come to the true knowledge of Me,” says the Spirit of God.  “And over and over again the enemy has set traps for the church and thwarted her mission, and has tried and tried to defeat her, but I have said –and I will not lie—that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of My Glory as the waters cover the seas.

And so I continue to release anointing, I continue to release revelation and release power to My church,” says the Spirit of God.  “Understanding that one day she will awaken to know and understand her proper place and her proper role in the earth.  For she is not a persecuted and hunted, powerless organization, but she is a vibrant and a Living being endowed with My power, and endued with My power and My glory, who is capable—totally capable of carrying out all the instruction of My gospel,” says the Spirit of God.  “And many times the enemy has come with competing thoughts and competing things to steal the affection of My bride from Me,” says the Spirit of God.  “But the true bride knows Me and loves Me with all of her heart.  And she will do exactly what I tell her to do,” says the Spirit of God.  “For she understands her covenant with Me and she understands her agreement with Me, and she understands that her true joy lies in obedience to Me,” says the Spirit of God.

“So understand that I will visit the earth again, and again, and again, and again with My power,” says the Spirit.  “For you are tasting of My power, but on a small scale,” says the Lord.  “But you will taste in greater and greater measure,” says the Spirit of God.  “And it will increase, and it will increase, and it will increase, and it will increase so that miracles, and signs, and wonders will be commonplace and everyday for My people,” says the Lord.  “For the miraculous will be the commonplace instead of the extraordinary,” says the Lord.  “For the healings will be the commonplace and illness will be the exception,” says the Spirit of God.  “For I know how to work this into My bride, and I know how to work this into My people,” says the Lord, “and I will do that which I need to do to get her prepared to do the work in the earth that I have called her to do.

“So think not that you are going to be taken out of the earth powerless and impotent, without experiencing all the fullness of Me,” says the Spirit of God.  “For that power that I will place in the earth is the same power that will catch you up into the heavens on the day that I return for My victorious church,” says the Spirit of God.  And I know how exactly how to work this out in the earth,” says the Lord.  “And right now I am setting things in motion for the great outpouring … for the great demonstration, and everybody will know who I am from the least to the greatest in the earth,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“Stay hungry!  Keep the desire for Me alive in your hearts.  Keep the desire for the miraculous!  Minister!  Exhort!  Preach!  Teach!  Instruct!  Keep the gospel alive in the earth,” says the Lord.  “Keep declaring that I am the savior, that I am the healer, that I am the miracle-worker,” says the Spirit of God.  “Keep declaring Me in the fullness of My power,” says the Lord.  “And I will respond in kind to you—I will not leave you stranded,” says the Spirit of God.  “I will not leave you without a confirming sign,” says the Lord.  “For I am looking for a church who will boldly declare to a sinful, sick humanity who I really am.  And when My true identity is preached,” says the Lord, “then the true manifestation of all of My power and all My glory will come back into the earth like never before.  It will be the former and the latter together.  It will be an outpour that will stagger the imagination,” says the Spirit of God.  “It will be something that will leave people speechless and breathless throughout the world,” says the Spirit of God.

“And I myself—the Lord of Hosts—the zeal of the Lord will do this!  The zeal of the Lord will do this!  The zeal of the Lord will do this!” says the Spirit of the Living God.

“Before you call, I will answer,” says the Lord.  “Before you call, I will answer,” says the Lord.  “While you are planting, the crop will spring up,” says the Spirit of God.  “For that is the former and the latter together.  You can reap before you sow when I do it supernaturally,” says the Spirit of God.  “You will think and desire a thing and it will be upon you in an instant,” says the Spirit of God.  “This move of God goes beyond the realm of your confession, and beyond the realm of your prayers, for it is the supernatural outpouring of My goodness on humanity,” says the Lord.  “It is the supernatural outpouring of My Spirit to help humanity because I, the Lord, declare it,” says the Spirit of God.

“So there is a declaration that comes from earth, and there is one that comes from heaven,” says the Lord.  “When the declaration comes from heaven, it cannot be stopped.  And this is what the early church lived in, and this is what you will live in even more than they did,” says the Spirit of the Living God.  “Even more than they did,” says the Spirit of God.

“So look for Me to speed things up.  Look for Me to track you down, and chase you down, and hunt you down with overflowing blessing,” says the Spirit of God.  “Look for Me to break out on the left and on the right.  Look for Me to change hardened hearts of people who had resisted My gospel for years.  Look for that!  Look for that!  Look for that!  Look for that!  Look for that!  Look for that!  And in your looking and in your desiring, I will release that which you look for,” says the Spirit of the Living God.


See Also Prophecies: 

October 31,1998

October 24,1998