The High Calling and The Great Commission

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:14

God has a specific call for each and every one of us to answer while we’re on the earth. We don’t receive the prize unless we press forward. Sometimes the race gets hard. You’re going to make mistakes. But don’t let that stop you. God has provided for us everything pertaining to life and godliness. Whatever the mission, He has already made a way for us to get it done, and He has a great reward for us as we continue to run.

Jesus is our portion and our exceeding great Reward. We press toward the prize of knowing Jesus in His suffering and in His resurrection so that we can reach the world with that same love and resurrection power. We love because He first loved us. Let God move your heart to see the darkness that is in your world, and be His light there. Bring water of refreshing to those who are weary. This is our High Calling and Great Commission. He is our Prize!

Item SCB-05 Price $13.99



The Ministry of the Watchman International
Chosen Generation Creations
P.O. Box 43334 - Cleveland, OH 44143