(6 CD Set)

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion..."
Genesis 1:26a


God said to the Godhead that they should make man in their image. Immediately after He said it, He said they would give man dominion over the earth and every created being in the earth. God is sovereign and He gave man the same sovereignty on the earth. Whatever God does lasts forever. Since man has dominion over the earth, he has responsibility for the government of the earth. When man fell, this responsibility was not cancelled.

Man is still responsible and being held accountable to God for the affairs of the earth.


In this series you will learn the purpose of Our Dominion, the Mind of God when He gave man dominion, and our responsibility to exercise this dominion in the earth today.

Item CDB-19 Price $30


The Ministry of the Watchman International
Chosen Generation Creations
P.O. Box 43334 - Cleveland, OH 44143