Give Me Your Full Attention
Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, September 18, 1999

"Give yourselves to Me," says the Spirit. "Give yourself over to Me," says the Spirit of God. "Give yourselves over to Me," says the Spirit of God. "GIVE YOURSELVES OVER TO ME," says the Spirit. "For surely I desire to dwell among you and to dwell in your midst, to walk among you, be one of you, fellowship with you, talk to you; Not just to be a by-stander and an outsider," says the Spirit of God. "But I desire to dwell right in the middle of you," says the Spirit. "I desire to come in and speak to you and show you things that you don't know," says the Spirit of God. "Show you great and mighty things that you know not," says the Spirit of God.

"But I cannot do it in your busyness, I cannot do it in your haste, I cannot do it in your time zone," says the Spirit of God. "For I speak to your spirit and not your mind. I speak to your heart and not your brain. I speak to the emotions of your inner man and not to your outer," says the Spirit. "And if you continue to just approach Me in the flesh," says the Spirit of God, "I can't relate to you," says the Lord.

"And that is why I must capture you and have your full attention and invade you and pin you down and nail you down that I might take you into My world and speak to you from My language," says the Spirit. "I can only speak in My language to you," says the Spirit of God.

"And this is My language," says the Lord. "This is My language," says the Spirit. "This is My way of speaking," says the Lord. "This is My way of relating," says the Spirit of God. "For I come in and I invade and I sit upon you and I dwell in the midst of you and I get your full attention and then I'm able to tell you all the things that you've desired to know. All the questions that you have. All the answers that you seek," says the Spirit.

"I do that on the wings of worship. I do that in an atmosphere where you respond to Me in worship," says the Spirit of God. "I do that in an atmosphere where I am center-focus," says the Spirit of God. "I do it in an atmosphere where I have your full attention," says the Lord. "And I will not do it in another atmosphere," says the Spirit of God. "Because I cannot work in another atmosphere," says the Lord. "My gifts will not work in a confused atmosphere, and they will not work in an atmosphere of haste," says the Spirit of God.

"I have told you that when you enter into your rest, that's where I will speak to you," says the Spirit of God. "When you enter into My peace, that's where I speak to you," says the Spirit of God. "When you enter into My presence and to My attention, that's where I give you everything that you need," says the Spirit of God. "And I am El-Shaddai, I am the God who is more than enough. But I have to be able to speak to you and talk to you and get your attention before I can tell you these things," says the Lord. "Before I can tell you these things.

"And I don't work in man's programs. I don't work in man's time, and I don't work on man's schedule," says the Spirit of God. "For I am the Creator. I am the Creator of time. I am the Creator of Man, and I know for what purpose I sent you into this earth. And I know what I need to say to you and when I need to say it," says the Spirit of God.

"So understand that I am drawing you to get your attention that I might speak to you the language of heaven. That I might speak to you the things that you desire to know of Me and know from Me. And I do it in atmospheres," says the Lord. "I do it in atmospheres where I have your full attention, where your very being is caught up in Me," says the Spirit. "For I speak to you in many different ways," says the Lord. "Not just a voice. Sometimes a movement, sometimes an emotion, sometimes a flash of emotion, sometimes a flash of light, a quickening in your spirit. I have many ways to speak to My people," says the Spirit of God.

"So stay attentive to Me. Be attentive to Me. Rush not here and there seeking Me," says the Lord. "For I dwell in you. And if you would stop and worship Me, I would come in and invade your space and invade your life and make it better. Make it more peaceful. Make it everything that you desire it to be," says the Lord. "But I work in the atmosphere of worship", says the Spirit. "I work in that atmosphere of peace. I work in that atmosphere of calm. I work in that atmosphere of attentiveness to Me", says the Spirit.

"So remember this time", says the Lord. "Remember this time of great attention and great focus on Me", says the Spirit. "For this is where I desire to meet you and share with you all things and to tell you things that you need to know that you don't know. There are many things that you know not; Great and mighty things that I desire to show you. Call upon Me. Give Me your full attention, and I will answer you and I will give you these things", says the Spirit of the Living God.

"And put your plans on the shelf", says the Lord. "Put your plans on the shelf that I might speak to you clearly and organize your life and let you understand what true priority is", says the Spirit of God. "What true priority from Heaven is ", says the Spirit of God. "What true priority from Heaven entails", says the Spirit of God. "I will show you these things as you draw into My presence and as you worship Me with all things", says the Spirit of the Living God.