Prophecy Given Through Barbara Williams, September 24, 2005

"There is a newness coming," says the Spirit of God. "There is a newness coming to this land and to the earth," says the Lord. "There is a fresh, new thought. There is a fresh new thinking. A newness," says the Spirit of God. "There is a new thinking that will turn men's hearts away from their selfish ways and toward the Living God," says the Lord. "There is a freshness. There is a newness. There is a new thought on the horizon, that 'if we would build with God in mind first…' 'If we would seek the Lord first in all things, then all things would go well'," says the Spirit.

"And this is not a revival thought, but this is a new thought," says the Spirit of God. "For this generation has not put Me first in many things that they do," says the Lord. "There is always this afterthought, that 'God could help' or 'maybe we should seek God.'" But the Lord says, "I am bringing afresh and anew that men would get on their faces before me first, before they make any plans, before they do anything, that they would consult Me first," says the Spirit of God.

"For I will come first, and if I am consulted first, and I am consulted in the planning stages, then the rebuilding will be done correctly, and it will stand," says the Spirit. "And I am pouring out a Spirit of new thoughts, and new thinkings, where men will consult Me, and they will come up with the right idea, and they will come up with the right plan, and this plan will cause things to be stable, and cause strength to come back into this country once again," says the Spirit of God.

"So, pray for the newness. Watch Me for the newness. Thank Me for the new thing that I am doing. Thank Me for new ideas. New people to spring up… bold people… people who have a good confession, who have a clear vision and have a right vision, and have heard from Me and know that I am with them," says the Lord. "This new thing, this new thing will cause things to be built right, will cause a new stability and a new strength to come into my people, and come into this nation, and come into the earth," says the Spirit of the Living God.