Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, 
Congregation's response in song led by Brenda Zedlitz, September 20, 2002 

{prophecy spoken}

"Oh the refreshing! Oh the refreshing! Oh the refreshing presence of the Lord," says the Spirit of God. "Oh the refreshing presence of the Lord," says the Spirit of God.

"For I have brought you to this place, and to this time and place that you might be refreshed in My presence," says the Lord. "For you are thirsty, and you are hungry, and I have seen this, and I've observed you," says the Spirit of God. "And I have brought you to this time and place that you might receive My refreshing presence," says the Spirit of the Lord.

"And many of you have driven and have ridden and you're saying to yourselves, 'My, but I traveled a long way. Why did I do that?'

"And you traveled to get the Water," says the Spirit of the Lord. "You traveled to get the Refreshing," says the Spirit of the Lord.

"For the water does not always come to you, but you must come to it. And you were drawn here by your thirst for Me and your hunger for Me," says the Spirit of God.

"So enjoy the refreshing presence of the Lord," says the Spirit. "Loosen Up! Take your socks off! Stick your toe in! Dip in! Swim!! Backstroke… breaststroke… butterfly! But dive into the refreshing presence of the Lord," says the Spirit of God. "Come and swim in the Spirit!" says the Spirit of God. "Come and plunge in!" says the Lord. "Come and get refreshed!" says the Spirit of God. "You've been splashing and wading in the shallow river much too long! Come and DIVE IN to presence," says the Spirit of the Living God.

{Congregation's response in song}

The refreshing of your Spirit
The refreshing of your Spirit
The refreshing of your Spirit
Is water to me!

Is water to me!
Is water to me!

Oh! You are water to me!
The refreshing of your Spirit is water to me!

The refreshing of your Spirit
The refreshing of your Spirit
The refreshing of your Spirit
Is water to me!

You are water to me!
(I thirst for you)
You are water to me!
You are water to me!
You are water to me!


This prophecy and song were recorded live on CD at the 

2002 Power & Glory of God Conference, night one
Prophetic Music on CD from each night of our conferences is available for purchase at our online bookstore