Kingdom Things Come First
Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, September 14, 2002

"This is your time now to rise above mere human experience. And this is your time to move into divine opportunity. Divine positioning… Divine movement… Divine things… Kingdom things… put them first," says the Lord. "Kingdom things come first," says the Lord. "The things of the Kingdom always come first," says the Lord. "And I will take care of the rest. I will do what I have promised to do. I will bless you. I will help you. I will encourage you. I will strengthen you, and I will support you. But the things of the Kingdom always come first," says the Lord. "Do that which I have set before you to do," says the Spirit. "Do it consistently, do it whole-heartedly, do it with joy, do it without complaint, do it when you feel like it and do it when you don't feel like it, and I will surely give you what I have promised you," says the Spirit of God. 

"Don't shrink back," says the Lord. "For the time of shrinking back is always here. The time to pull back and want to do what you want to do with your time and with your money and your resources is always there," says the Spirit. "There's always a temptation to do what you want to do. 

"But if you will put the Kingdom first, then I will put you before kings. If you will put the Kingdom first, I will put you before great people. If you will put the Kingdom first, I will treat you like the son or daughter of a King that you are," says the Spirit of God. "And I will grace you with favor, and I will grace you with blessing, and I will call you 'Royal', and I will treat you like royalty, and others will call you 'Royal' and they will treat you like royalty," says the Spirit of God. 

"So MOVE UP and be a king or a queen. MOVE UP and be a prince or a princess. MOVE UP and put the things of the Kingdom first. When you put the things of the Kingdom first, then I owe you to treat you like a king or a queen," says the Spirit of the Living God. 

"NO MORE LIVING LIKE THE HEATHEN! No more making of your own appointments! No more anxiety about non-important things," says the Spirit of God. "But only trust in Me. Only trust Me as a Faithful Creator. Only trust Me as the One who has made you to be what you are," says the Spirit. "Apart from Me you can do nothing anyway," says the Lord. "Apart from Me you can do NOTHING," says the Lord. 

"So abide in the Vine. Draw from Me. Draw the blood of Royalty. Draw the blood of Royalty into your veins!" says the Spirit. "Draw from Me like a king or queen should draw from Me," says the Spirit of God. "Draw from Me, and keep the appointments that I have appointed you for. No matter how small, no matter how large... They're all appointments of Me," says the Spirit. "They're all My tests of your ability to reign and rule as majesty here on earth," says the Spirit of God.

"So draw from Me in My Royalty. Draw from Me, and Royal you shall be. Draw from Me, and I will elevate thee. I will elevate thee. I will elevate thee. Far beyond where you have imagined to be," says the Spirit. "Far beyond where you have imagined to be," says the Spirit. "Far beyond where you have imagined to be," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"Draw from My Spirit. Draw from My Spirit. Drink of the wine of royalty," says the Spirit of God. "Lift up the silver, and the gold. Put down the brass," says the Spirit. "Lift up the silver, and the gold. Put down the brass," says the Lord. "Put down your impatience. Put down your uncertainty. Put down your wanting to be what I have not called you to be," says the Spirit of God. "Just put it down. Lay it down. Put it down and not pick it up any longer," says the Spirit of God. "and surely I will draw you into the realm of royalty," says the Spirit of the Lord. "I will draw you in and draw you up higher than you ever felt you could be," says the Lord. "I have many appointments for you, and many things," says the Spirit. "Many things for you, but you must follow through. Many things appointed for you, but you must follow through. Many things appointed for you, but you must follow through," says the Spirit. 

"You must follow through! You must follow through and through and through and through. And you must go through, and tight places they may be. Tight places are created for thee. For narrow is the way, and there are very few who find it. Nobody goes looking for tight places," says the Spirit of God. "But you must go through certain things," says the Spirit of God. "For you must visit every place that I've ordained for you to be, for these are appointments, too," says the Lord. "Royal ambassadors go where the king sends them without question," says the Spirit of God. 

"And so here we are reminding you again of who you are. You are royalty. You are my peculiar treasure. You are the ones that I have called in this earth to be all that I've called you to be. To be nothing more and nothing less than royalty in the earth," says the Spirit of God. "Nothing more and nothing less than royalty in this earth," says the Spirit of God. "For I have called you to rule and to reign. Step into the dignity that I have afforded your position," says the Lord. "Step into the dignity that is afforded your position," says the Spirit of God. "STEP IN TO THE DIGNITY! STEP IN TO THE DIGNITY! STEP… IN… STEP… IN… STEP (everybody take a step forward and) STEP IN TO THE DIGNITY THAT I HAVE CALLED YOU TO," says the Spirit of the Living God.

Thank you Jesus. Old things are passed away. Thank you Jesus! The tatters and rags are gone! Thank you Lord! The poverty, the struggle, the scrimping, barely getting by… Thank you Lord! It's all gone! It's all passed away! It's all passed away! It's all passed away! "And step into a new day! A new day! A new day! A new day of My dignity. Not your own; your own merely leads to more tatters and rags," says the Spirit. "But my dignity causes royalty to come to thee and give thee favor," says the Spirit of the Living God.

(further instruction)

The Lord is telling me to tell you something. Some of you are praying for things and situations, but you really need to pray that you keep God's appointments. Because if you make the appointments, then you'll receive the appointed thing. The appointed things at the place of the appointments. And just be on time with God. Just be there to do what He tells you to do all the time, and you won't miss anything.

Amen. Praise God.



See Also Prophecies:

May 11, 2002

October 12, 2002
The Right Place, The Right Time, Doing The Right Thing