A Prophecy given by Barbara A. Williams, October 2, 1999

And the Lord would say unto you, "I am the God of Marvels. I am a Marvelous God," says the Spirit of the Lord. "This is My true nature," says the Lord. "This is who I am," says the Spirit of God. "This is who I am, and I change NOT," says the Spirit of God.

"So understand when you serve Me, when you serve Me," says the Spirit, "believe Me for who I really am," says the Spirit of the Living God. "Don't believe Me on a mere human level. Don't believe Me just to correct a few things. Don't believe Me just to make a few minor adjustments, for I can do that," says the Spirit. "I can do that. But a Marvelous God, (being a God of marvels and signs and wonders), that is My true nature," says the Spirit of God. "That is My true nature from the beginning," says the Spirit of God.

"For did I not form man from the dust of the earth and then I breathed the breath of life in him and he became a soul--that is marvelous," says the Lord. "Have I not chosen the base things and the despised things of the world to show My power and show My glory though. For the stone that the builders rejected became the head of the corner," says the Spirit of God. "And it is marvelous and it is the Lord's doing. It is marvelous in our eyes," says the Spirit of God.

"So I am the God of the Marvelous," says the Lord. "I am the God of the Marvelous and I teach My people to believe Me according to who I really am," says the Spirit of God. "And so I am teaching the people of the earth to believe Me according to who I really am," says the Spirit of God. "For men run to and fro and they do their political thing and they do their religious thing and they think I'm involved in it," says the Spirit of God. "But you haven't seen what I can do yet," says the Spirit of God, "when you believe Me to do the miracles and the marvelous," says the Spirit of God.

"For My name is Marvelous," says the Lord. "Call be by My name and I will show up and do the marvelous thing that you need to have done," says the Spirit of God. "Call Me who I am. Don't call Me to do some minor thing," says the Spirit of God. "Don't call Me to do some weak thing," says the Spirit. "Don't call Me to do some minut thing," says the Spirit, "that you could do yourself," says the Lord. "But call on Me as marvelous," says the Spirit of God.

"For I want to do marvels in the midst of My people," says the Spirit. "For when they saw the Red Sea parted," says the Spirit of God, "all eyes were fixed, and all mouths were shut," says the Spirit of God. "Everything was hushed and they were in awe," says the Spirit of God. "And this is what I need to do in the earth today," says the Lord. "This is what I WANT to do in the earth today," says the Spirit of God. "And My people must usher in My name as 'Marvelous'," says the Lord, "that I might come in and do what is needed.

"For the world needs miracles," says the Lord. "The world needs the miraculous," says the Spirit of God. "For the day will come when money won't be able to fix everything," says the Spirit. "The day will come when provision on the earth won't be able to do everything," says the Spirit. "And I want a people who know Me and know that they can call on the God whose name is 'Marvelous'," says the Spirit of God. "Whose name is 'Marvelous'. WHOSE NAME IS 'MARVELOUS'," says the Spirit of God. "That I might come in and I might do the marvelous and I might do the miraculous. That I might do things to cause Me to glory in the earth," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"For many of you sit here today," says the Lord, "and there are things that you believe that I've told you these things or you know, even, that I've put these things in your heart," says the Lord. "But you know you have no means to do them on your own," says the Spirit. "You have no means to do these things. So you sit here in need of a miracle," says the Spirit of God. "If I indeed have told you that, then I indeed am going to do it. But in order to get it done, you need to call Me 'Marvelous' that you might get it done," says the Spirit of God. "You need to call on the God who does marvels," says the Spirit of God.

"And yes! Be afraid!" says the Lord. "Oh yes, Be afraid!" says the Lord. "For I am a consuming fire," says the Spirit of God. "And I will destroy and burn down and uproot EVERYTHING that stands in the way of the miraculous," says the Spirit of God. "Or it will bow to Me," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"And Oh yes! Be in awe and be afraid!" says the Spirit of God. "For the fear of Me is the beginning of wisdom, and I will have a wise people on the earth," says the Spirit. "I will have a people who are not familiar with Me and are not comfortable with Me, but who reverence Me and respect Me and respect My power because they know Me as an Awesome God; a God of Marvelous miracles," says the Spirit of God.

"So call Me 'Marvelous'. Call Me 'Marvelous'. Call Me 'Marvelous'. And I will respond according to My name," says the Spirit of the Living God.



See Also Prophecies:

January 20, 2002