Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, October 14, 2001

The Lord is saying that, many of you look at it as being so hard. And then some of you look at it as too easy, too simple. And the Lord is saying, "I am neither hard nor simple, but I am God. I have said that I am your Helper," says the Lord. "I am your Helper. And when things are difficult for you, then I will come and I will help you to get back on the right path," says the Lord. "That I have even created a path where My banished ones can return to Me. That those that are kicked out of the race can return to Me," says the Spirit of the Lord. "I have paths that you can dwell in. I have paths that you have not yet trodden," says the Spirit of God. "I have paths that the lion's whelp (and that's you) have never trodden before," says the Spirit of God.

"So don't get complacent. Don't get stuck in the same mold. Don't think that you've experienced a lot of things in Me," says the Spirit of God. "For I have many paths to dwell in that I have not shown you yet," says the Spirit of God. "But understand that I am your Helper, and these things are not too hard for you. And just because you feel that you know something about Me doesn't mean that they're a snap for you either, for I am God," says the Spirit of the Lord. "I am God. And if you are young in Me, don't think that these things are beyond your ability to comprehend and to master and to know," says the Spirit of God, "for I am your Helper." 

"And so when you veer off the right path and you veer off the right track, know that your Helper, (if you will call upon Him, and you expect Him to come and help you and yield to Him)...The Holy Spirit, (who is your Helper, your Guide, and your Comforter) will come and find you, and will show you the right way," says the Spirit of God.

"So rely on Him as your Helper. This is not something that I give you to do and you have to accomplish on your own. But trust that I have created a Helper who is fit for you, He knows you, He knows your limitations, He knows your abilities, He knows your potential, He knows when you want to sit down and do nothing and complain... He sees it all," says the Spirit. "He knows when you're very energetic and you want to go out and accomplish everything in a day... He knows you very well. And He knows how to work with you because He is created to be able to work with all of humanity," says the Spirit. "But He works through your confession, and He works through your heart, and He works through your yielding to Him, and calling on Him in your hour of need.

"So call on the Great Helper. Call on the Holy Spirit, for He is the Spirit of Glory. He will lead you into the glorious path. He will lead you step by step into everything that I have for you," says the Spirit of God. "And He will help you to enjoy all the steps along the way, that you won't have to be fearful and rush into a place that you know not because you're afraid of your future," says the Spirit of God. "For He has a secure place where you can dwell as He shows you the way," says the Spirit of the Lord. "And He will coach you... He is your coach as you run this race," says the Spirit of God. "He is your coach, and He coaches you along the way. He encourages you in the right way to go.

"So trust the Holy Spirit. Trust the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of Me. Trust that I will enlighten the eyes of your understanding that you can master this. You can walk in the hope of your calling. You can attain the unattainable. You can see the impossible, and you can achieve the things that seem so hard for you to do in this hour," says the Spirit of God. "Know that there will come a day, if you will obey My Spirit and you walk with Him, that you will look back at this time of confusion or this time of doubting or fear or despair or discouragement and you will say, 'It is the Lord's doing that I got over, and I am over in this new place and it is marvelous in my eyes.'" says the Spirit. "That this is the Lord's doing, and it is Marvelous in My eyes," says the Spirit of God. "For I know the things that you have in your heart that you want, the things that you're afraid to hope for," says the Spirit of God. "Hope in Me. Rest in those things. Know that those things are attainable in Me. For I put that thing inside of you," says the Spirit of the Lord, "and I am stretching your faith that you might hope that I might bring that to you," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"So trust Me that your hope is not in vain. Trust Me that you're not putting your faith in a God that will disappoint you. Trust Me that it will come through for you, and I will come through for you. But stay on the path that I have created for you. Don't veer to the left or the right, and don't go backwards," says the Spirit of God. "For there is nothing that is behind that you want to have anything to do with, but your future is bright, and your future is in Me. So go forward in Me, and you will attain everything that I've called you to be," says the Spirit of the Living God.