Come Close To Me, and You’ll See What I Have For You To Be #2

Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, November 13, 2004

The Lord is speaking about security. “Security in Jesus,” is what the Lord is saying. “Security in Jesus. And who He is. And who He is to you. That is your security.” Is what the Lord is saying, “Your security is in Jesus. He's the Jewel, of the Godhead. He's the One who stands firm. He’s the One who is Eternal. He's the Eternal One of the Godhead. He is the Son of God. He is all together Lovely and Fair. He is the One who unites us with the Father. 

J: the Jewel 
E: the Eternal One 
S: the Son of God 
U: the One who Unites us with the Father and with the Holy Spirit 
S: again, the Soon coming King. 

“So your security must be in Jesus and who He is. You must know Him personally. You must get to know Him. Let this be a season of drawing near to Him. Let this be a season of seeking Him. Let this be a season of coming close. Let this be season of opening up your heart to hear and to understand. Let this not be a season that's focused on you, or on other people, or on what you want out of life, or your needs. But let this be a season of understanding Him. Getting to know Him. Letting Him reveal Himself to you. Taking the limits off of the time that you spend. Taking the limits off the effort that you put forth to get to know Him better. Let this be a season that is going to bring maximum benefit to your life. Let this be a season, of seeking to know Him in a greater way. 

“And as you open heart to Him, He will come in. He will come in. He will come in,” says the Lord. “I will come in,” says the Lord. “And I will sup with you. And I will dine with you. And I will speak to you. And I will bless you. And I will encourage you, in this season, if you would just open up to Me, in a greater way,” says the Lord. 

“Put aside that which you thought you were going to be doing. Put aside that which you thought was so important. Put aside that which you thought was just everything to you,” says the Lord. “Put it aside. And draw close to Me,” says the Lord. “Just put it aside. And draw close to Me. Draw close to Me. Draw close to Me. Draw close to Me. Draw close to Me. And you'll be able to see more of who you really are, as I reveal Myself to you. For we are very much alike, you and Me,” says the Spirit of God, says the Spirit of Christ. “We are very much alike, you and Me,” says the Lord. “And this greater identity that you will have of who you really are will be what you need,” says the Lord. “This will be your ticket and your passport to everything that’s good in life. This identity that you have in Me will be your ticket and your green light for everything that’s necessary for your life and for your happiness and for your contentment and for your pleasure and your joy,” says the Lord. 

“So let this be a time,” says the spirit of God, “where you get to know Me so well. You get to know Me,” says the Lord. “Put aside everything. Put aside your busyness. Put aside the things that you think bring you pleasure. And get to know Me in a greater way,” says the Lord. “And I promise you, that your life will take an upward turn. Your life will take a turn for the better. Your life will never be the same in a good way. But it comes through knowing Me. Putting aside everything to know Me. And when you know Me, you know everything,” says the Spirit. “When you know Me, you have all favor and all blessing. When you know Me, you have the keys to everything that is good for you,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“Know Me in a greater way as Healer. Know Me in a deeper way as Savior. Know Me in a greater way as Redeemer, Counselor, Friend. Know Me in a new way in some things,” says the Spirit of God. “Know Me as your Helper. Know Me as the One who doesn’t mind your faults; the friend who sticks closer than a brother. Know Me as the One who understands everything about you, even when others misjudge you and misunderstand you. Know Me in that way. And your life will never be the same. It will never ever, ever be the same,” says the Spirit of the Lord.