Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, October 12, 2002

The Lord wants you to know that you are loosed, if you want to be. You're loosed from any bands of afflictions that may be afflicting you. That you don't have to suffer, you don't have to worry, you don't have to fear because the Lord is saying, "I am making a strong pull on you, and I am pulling for you, and I am pulling you toward life. I'm pulling you toward eternal things, and things that are in the unseen realm. And even though it's unsettling for you to go this way with Me right now," says the Spirit of God, "I have what it takes to sustain you through this difficult time. You do not have it yourself. So don't try to depend on yourself to make it through. 

"But look to Me, depend on Me, let Me help you in My way," is what the Lord is saying. "Let Me help you in My way. This is a way that may be strange for you, and may be a way that you don't feel you have any control, but at the end of it, you will see that I was right, and I was with you, and I was there to help you, and you came through! And you came through victorious, and you came through triumphant, and you came through prosperous. You didn't just make it through," says the Spirit of God. "You didn't just make it through. 

"And that's the report that I have for you: that you will come through will all victory. And you will make it through, but you will not go the way that you think you need to go," says the Lord. "But you will go a new way. You will go a way where you have to depend on Me, The Invisible Force that works for you at all times," says the Spirit of God.

"So you're not bound; you're free!" is what the Lord is saying. "You're not bound; you're free! You're not bound; you're free! You're free to walk in the victory that He has ordained for you. Walk like a victor, and victory will follow you. Walk like a victor, and victory will follow you," says the Spirit of God. "Walk like I have delivered you, and deliverance will follow you," says the Spirit of the Living God.