Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, November 6, 2004

T“Edify your spirit,” says the Spirit of God. “Edify your spirit,” saith the Lord. “Edify your spirit. Build up your spirit,” says the Spirit of God. “For in this day and this hour there is a weakness, and there is a fainting, and there is a puniness that has come upon humanity,” says the Lord. “And the world is trying to compensate by exercise, and right eating, and diet, and taking off fat, and taking off pounds, and trying to make themselves fit for life. 

“But I, the Spirit of Life… and I, the Spirit of Health and Healing… and I, the Holy Spirit say unto you, to edify your spirit. Pray in the Holy Ghost. Pray in tongues. Pray from your spirit. Build up your most Holy faith. For you will surely need it,” saith the Lord. “You will certainly need it,” saith the Lord. “For many who walk this earth, walk in darkness and are deceived,” said the Spirit of God. “Many walk in darkness and are deceived,” says the Spirit of God. “And the only way you can stay above that, is to walk in the Spirit, and edify your spirit. Keep yourself built up on your most Holy faith, YOUR MOST HOLY, HIGHEST LIVING FAITH,” says the Spirit of God. 

“Live not in the beggarly elements of this world,” says the Lord. “Live not as those who were looking just for the next morsel of food, or the next nice piece of something, or the next nice piece of clothing, or the next car, or the next wonderful thing,” says the Spirit of God. “But live as those who live in anticipation of seeing salvation and deliverance and seeing the coming of their King,” says the Spirit of God. “Live in the most Holy realms,” says the Spirit of God. “Dwell in the secret place of the Most High, where you can abide under the shadow of the Almighty, and I will show you great and mighty things that I am doing upon the Earth,” says the Spirit of God. 

“For I am coming in great power,” says the Lord. “I am coming in great power,” says the Lord. “And the princes of this world are confused in this hour,” says the Lord. “They don’t know the next move to make! There is such confusion!” says the Spirit of God. “The people who thought they could make an election what they wanted it to be in this nation are confused that it didn’t work for them,” says the Spirit. “Those who are in Palestine, waiting to murder my chosen Israel at their will, are confused because their leader is not even among them,” says the Spirit of God. 

“So the princes of this world are always confounded,” said the Spirit of God. “Don’t join them. Don’t go into confusion with them. Stay away from darkness. Edify yourself. Build yourself up on your most Holy faith, for you are my peculiar treasure in this Earth,” says the Spirit. “Be attentive to what the Master is speaking. Be attentive to what the Master is doing. Be attentive to what your God is saying to you,” says the Spirit of God. 

“And lock in with those of like-precious faith,” says the Spirit. “Lock in and tie in with those of like-precious faith. Don’t be a Lone Ranger,” says the Lord. “But abide with those who abide with Me. Dwell with those who dwell with Me. Speak with those who speak with Me. Speak into their hearts and let them speak into yours,” says the Spirit of God. “For this is the Spirit of the Church,” saith the Lord. “This is the Spirit of the Church. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Church and as you pray in the spirit and edify your spirit and you draw with those of like-precious faith, you will edify and build yourselves up and a very high spiritual temple in this world,” says the Spirit of God. 

“For I have said, and I will not repent, ‘I have much people in the city’,” says the Spirit of God. “I have many, many people in every quarter,” says the Lord. “And those who are Mine edify their spirit and wait for instruction from their Commander and Chief,” says the Spirit of God. “They wait for Holy Ghost instruction before they move out. 

So be as those,” saith the Lord, “Be as those who wait at My feet with their spirit built up and their loins girt about with truth and their heart shielded with the shield of faith,” says the Spirit of God. “Always believing the best,” saith the Lord. “Always believing the best for yourself, for your church, for your ministry, for this nation, for this country, for the world,” says the Spirit of God. “Always believing the best, and the best is what lends to eternal life,” says the Spirit of God. “The best lends to eternal life. For you have the power within you to change the course of history, to change nations, to change the outcome of anything that comes,” says the Spirit of God. 

“So stay ready. Stay built up. Stay edified. Stay attentive to Me. Stay understanding what I am speaking,” says the Lord. “Understand what I’m speaking,” says the Lord. “And you will not be confounded. And you will ride upon all the high places. YOU WILL BE VICTORIOUS IN EVERY THING. But you’ve got to stay with Me,” says the Lord. “You’ve got to stay with Me, you must stay with Me,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“Seek the high things,” saith the Lord. “Seek the high things. Seek the things that are seated in heavenly places where I abide. Seek those things that are above and you will be filled and you will be blessed and you will be healed,” says the Spirit of the Living God.