Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, May 30, 2004


The Lord would say to you that, “there is no failure in Me,” says the Lord. “I have not planned failure. I cannot fail. Failure is not in Me,” says the Lord. “I have not planned failure for any of My people. I did not lead you into failure. Failure is not of Me. It is not My plan for you. I don’t allow My people to fail,” says the Spirit of God. 

“For I retrieve you and I cause you to repent. I set you on a plain path. I set you on a straight road,” says the Spirit of God. “So understand that when failure comes or fear of failure comes, it is not from Me,” says the Spirit of God. 

“Failure is not even a punishment for disobedience,” says the Spirit of God. “I never allow My people to accept failure,” says the Spirit. “For I am only success. I am only increase. I am only blessing, peace and prosperity,” says the Spirit of God. 

“And understand that when failure is experienced, it is because you don’t look for the open door. You don’t look for the straight road. You don’t look for the plain path,” says the Spirit. 

“So if anybody of you is feeling that you have failed, be encouraged that there is no failure in Me. That failure is only accepted by those who refuse to try again and those who refuse to look to Me and those who refuse to come forth and ask for My plain path and My straight way,” says the Spirit of God. 

“And be not afraid of the path that I would lead you in,” says the Lord. “Be not afraid of the path that I would lead you in. For it is a good path. It is a new path. It is an exciting path. And it is path that I have placed you on because I have planned nothing but success, nothing but blessing, nothing but increase, and nothing but prosperity for My people. 

“So don’t accept failure. It’s not from Me. Don’t think failure. I don’t give you those thoughts. But focus on your success, and focus on finding the right way and the plain path and the straight path. For I make every crooked way straight and I open every iron-gate. Every door that’s been barred to you will be open,” says the Spirit. “It will be open, there is no doubt about it. It will be open because I have placed you before that gate. And it must come open because you belong to Me. And there is no locked door. There is no failure. There is nothing that can stand before you,” says the Spirit of the Living God.