Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, May 26, 2001

“Whatever He tells you to do, do it.  Whatever He tells you to do, do it.  WHATEVER He tells you to do, that do.  For to not do it will not bring what you are requesting,” says the Spirit of God.  “For I command a required obedience,” says the Lord.  “This is what is required to put you into the realm of blessing.  This is what is required to get you out of the flesh and into the Spirit.  This is what’s REQUIRED to make the necessary change in your heart so that I can come into your heart fully and plant the things in there that need to be planted so that you can get your victory,” says the Lord.  “This is required obedience.  And it is required because there is something you are asking Me for.  There is something you are praying for.  There is something you are desiring.  There is some promise that I have promised you that you have accepted and that you have said that you want; this is the REQUIRED OBEDIENCE to receive that promise,” says the Lord. 

“This is not something that I am asking you to do as a favor to Me.  This is not something that I am asking you to do, and you could live a good life without doing it,” says the Lord.  “Because there are things that you are requesting of Me, and things that you are asking of Me that you need desperately, and this is the required obedience,” says the Spirit of God. 

“And this is where you must dwell,” says the Lord.  “You must dwell in the realm of doing the requirement… and doing it with gladness… and doing it with a pure heart… and doing it with singleness of heart (not having anything else in your heart except to please Me),” says the Spirit of God.  “For that is the SAFE ZONE.  If you do it to please the Master, then all will be well with you.  If you do it to please Me, then all will go right with you.  If you do it so that you can come up to My standard, then everything will go well with you,” says the Spirit of God.  “But if you do it with any other motive, you will quit… you will not continue… you will fall back into old habits, and you will not get everything that you are asking Me for,” says the Spirit.

“You have set this requirement,” says the Lord.  “You have set this requirement with your request, and you have set this requirement with your faith, and you have set this requirement with your need,” says the Spirit of God.  “YOU have set the requirement.  And I am only requiring what is necessary that you might have the blessing that you desire,” says the Spirit of God.

“And many of you are living in a boat of fear.  You are living in a boat of uncertainty, and the only way out is to trust Me.  The only way out is OUT,” says the Spirit.  “And you yet want to see more and more things from Me before you can trust Me,” says the Lord.  “Well, they’re not coming.  This is the required obedience.  There is obedience required that you might get out of one realm and into another realm.  There is obedience required that you might step up to the plate and be able to receive everything; get your breakthrough, get your fullness, get the fullness of your promise,” says the Lord.  “And you cannot hold back and hang back into lesser-level obedience any longer!  You must step up and do the full obedience,” says God.  “You must step up and do what I’ve told you to do,” says the Lord.  “You must step up and do what’s required.  It is REQUIRED – It will not come another way,” says the Spirit. 

“So take the way of faith.  Take the way of obedience.  Take the way that you think is hard,” says the Lord.  “Do the hard thing.  Do the thing that’s hard for you.  It’s not impossible, it’s just hard for you,” says the Spirit.  “And once you step into it, you find that I am there to help you, but I am not here to help you on this side of obedience.  But you will find things that you never knew existed on the other side of the obedience.  It’s on the other side.  It’s always on the other side.  The promise lies over on the other side,” says the Spirit of God.

“Those of you who wonder when your day is coming:  step over into obedience, and it’s there.  When you step into obedience, the day is there.  When you step into obedience, the time is there.  When you step over into obedience, the provision is there.  Everything is there on the other side of the obedience,” says the Lord.

“So understand how to obey Me.  Understand My leading.  Understand My prompting.  Understand that you can no longer stay where you are if you’re to come up to where I am.  For where I am is what you need.  Where I am is where you need to be.  Where I am is where everything is that I’ve promised you,” says the Lord.  “It’s where I am, not where you are.

“And YES, I’m here with you.  And YES, I will never leave you or forsake you.  And YES, I love you.  But I have things for you that require that you step up into a higher level of obeying Me.  No more comfort zone, no more easy thing, but do the hard thing that I might bless you, and bless you richly,” says the Spirit of the Living God.