Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, May 25, 2002

"There will come a people on this earth who know what manner of Spirit they are," says the Lord. "There will come a people on this earth who know what manner of Spirit they are. There will come a people… there is coming a generation, and a generation developing even now of people who will know the type of Spirit they are. And they will be people who will be full of My Word, full of My Wisdom, full of the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit in abundance. They will be a supernatural race of people. They will be spirit beings who are just encased in flesh bodies instead of the reverse," says the Spirit of God. "Instead of flesh people who have a little bit of the Spirit, these will be Spirit being encased in a flesh body," says the Spirit of God. "And they will move by the unction of the Spirit and they will know the Spirit. They will be intimate with My Spirit. They will understand the things of the Spirit, and they will move only by My unction. They will be a well-disciplined and a well-trained army," says the Spirit of God. "And not trained by man's hand, but trained by that inner unction - that inner voice - that inner trumpet that sounds and pulls them to attention, and calls them to do the great and mighty exploits that I want done on this earth," says the Spirit of God. 

"And you are that people," says the Lord. "You are that people. I am developing in My Spirit anybody… the 'whosoever wills' can come. The 'whosoever wills' can come," says the Spirit. "The 'whosever wills' can come. And understand and perceive and know by My Holy Spirit the things that only the Spirit can understand. Only the Spirit can understand. For there will be movements here and there will be unctions here and there will be things here and things there that can only be perceived by My Spirit," says the Lord. 

"So understand what manner of person you are. Understand that when the heart and the mind and the mouth agree, you will come forth in greater levels of prophecy. When the heart and the mind and the mouth agree, you'll come forth in greater levels of prophecy," says the Lord. "When the heart and the mind and the mouth agree, you will come forth in greater levels of prophecy," says the Spirit of the Living God.