Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, May 23, 1998

"You belong to Me," says the spirit of God, "you belong to Me, and because you belong to Me, the enemy is arrayed against you. So stay in the spirit," says the Spirit of God. "For if you walk in the spirit and not obey the lust of the flesh you will always have CERTAIN victory," says the Spirit of God. "Your victory is certain as long as you pursue the things that relate to the Spirit; as long as you walk after the things that relate to the Spirit; as long as you pursue the things that relate to the Spirit you are fully armed," says the Spirit of God. "And the enemy will never overtake you, he will never take you by surprise, he will never defeat you because you move in My power," says the Spirit, "you move in My power and I have already spoiled principalities and powers, I've already defeated Satan, so stay in Me and move in Me, stay in My Word, stay fully clothed in the armor of GOD; having your thoughts always dwelling on what's good and lovely, and pure; having your mind renewed in My Word; having an anointed mind," says the Spirit of God. "And you will always have victory; you will always have victory;

"And SET your affections, SET, Keep them tuned in and SET on the dial that deals with things that are above, not things that are beneath that will perish, but SET them on things that are above. My people sometimes like things that are above and sometimes they like things that are beneath, but if you SET your affections and keep them set there, on things that pertain to Me, on loving Me, and life in the spirit and understanding My love and My vision toward all humanity; If you keep your affections and your heart set in that realm, then I can freely give you all things," says the Spirit of God. "I can freely give you everything; I can trust you because your heart will be set on the things that are above, not the things that are beneath; not the base things, but the things that are above--things that won't perish. If you set your heart there and I can trust your heart, then I can freely give you all things," says the Spirit of God. "So waver not in your affections, waver not in your affections, waver not in your affections," says the Spirit of God. "Keep your heart set on the things that I care about . . . bringing relief to humanity . . . binding up the broken-hearted. Set your affections there.

"And the blessings that I have for you will surely pursue you, they will come knocking on your door, they will kick the door in and overtake you, they will pursue you, they will track you down, and they will overtake you, they will pursue you--overtake you--and THEY will find YOU," says the Spirit of God. "The blessings that I have for you will find you if you keep your affections SET on things that are important to Me. If you work for Me, I will work for you overtime, if you work for Me, I will work for you overtime, if you work for Me, I will work for you overtime, because your season is here, your season is here, your season is here where the treasure trove will be opened up to you," says the Spirit of God. "Your season is here. If you had a bad week last week, you're going to have a good one this week, you're going to have a good one this week, you're going to have a good one this week, you're going to have a good one this week.

"Don't sell the vineyard before you receive your harvest. Don't move on to anything else until you receive your harvest here," says the Lord. "Don't move on until you receive your harvest where you've been planting," says the Spirit of God, "for it's coming, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming. Right now it's a cloud the size of a man's hand, and it's getting bigger and there shall be showers, there shall be showers, there shall be showers, there shall be showers, showers of blessings, showers of blessings, showers of blessings, showers of blessings, showers of blessings, showers of blessings."