Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, March 30, 2003

“In time of war, keep your mind on war. Keep your mind on the fact that there are people who are working for Me, and working on My behalf, and these people need protection. And natural protection will not do,” says the Spirit. “But Divine Protection is needed. Divine Protection is in order. For I, the Lord of Hosts, set My army in a different battle array. I set you in a battle array of watches, of watches in the morning, and watches in the night, and watches in the noontime,” says the Spirit. “I set My people in watches that they might preserve the lives of many,” says the Spirit of God. 

“And so yield to Me and yield to My Spirit, and stay attentive and keep your mind on the war,” says the Spirit of God. “Don’t forget the people who give their lives. Don’t forget the people who risk their lives. Don’t forget that there are people depending upon you because you have the power of eternal life in your mouth,” says the Lord. “It is in your mouth and it is your heart,” says the Spirit. “And if you would but declare what ‘Thus saith the Lord’ and declare it in front of a hostile enemy and in front of hostile territory,” says the Spirit of God, “then you will see mighty miracles come out. And you will see, yes you will see the spoils of war,” says the Spirit. “For you will see not only in this country and for other people, but you will look around in your personal life and you will see everybody in order. You will see your household in order, you will see your children saved and serving Me,” says the Spirit of God. “You will see your hearts reconciled to people who have been estranged,” says the Lord. “For this war, this spirit, the spirit of division is the spirit that is causing even the trouble in your own household,” says the Lord.

“So as you war for Me, and you endure hardness like a good soldier… (a GOOD soldier… be a GOOD soldier…” says the Lord. “Don’t be a part time soldier. Don’t be a slothful soldier. And don’t keep your mind on yourself and what you want,” says the Spirit of God.) “If you’ll endure hardness like a good soldier, then I will surely come in and bless, I will come in and help, I will come in and turn the tide in areas that My people may have thought the things would never change,” says the Spirit of God. “For those hard places where things were thought that they would never change,” says the Spirit, “I will move on your behalf because this war is that important to Me,” says the Spirit of God.

“And if you’ll obey Me in this, I will vindicate the souls of many, and I will release the souls of many who were slated for destruction innocently,” says the Spirit of God.

“So take heart and look up because redemption is drawing closer and closer everyday! Be encouraged in the war, for redemption is at the hand of the one who will speak for Me,” says the Spirit of the Living God.