Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, March 25, 2000

“The time of high obedience,” says the Lord.  “The time of high obedience is upon the earth,” says the Spirit of God.  “The time of high obedience is upon the earth,” says the Spirit of the Living God.  “This is the time,” says the Lord, “to obey Me and only Me.  You must close out all other voices.  You must close out reasonings.  You must cast down imaginations.  You must cast down arguments.  You can no longer afford to argue with the wisdom behind My words,” says the Spirit of God.  “You can no longer afford to wrestle with emotional things,” says the Lord.  “You can no longer afford to walk in insecurity,” says the Spirit of God, “and not being secure in that I’ve called you and be willing to leave the familiar and to leave the comfortable and do as I told Abraham to do; and that is get up and go and move into a land that was not familiar to him, into a land that was not comfortable for him, into a place where he would have to move again and again,” says the Spirit of God.  “Into the journey that is before you,” says the Lord.  “For I have placed many things before you,” says the Spirit of God.  “I have placed many things in your heart,” says the Lord.  “I have placed many visions before you,” says the Spirit, “and you must have the willingness to go,” says the Lord.  You must have the willingness to obey.  You must have the willingness to leave your mental domain and leave what is familiar to you in your own thinking and move out into a new realm of the renewed soul in Me,” says the Spirit of the Living God. “For I have many things yet to show you,” says the Lord.  “I have many things that I want to do in you, I have many things I want to plant in you and to see cultivated and to see grow and to see prosper. 

But there has to be an attitude,” says the Lord, “that these things are not your permanent dwelling place.  That this earth is not your home, and the mental realm that you live in is not a continual and consistent abiding place for you,” says the Spirit.  “For there are new thoughts that I want to bring to you.  New ideas that I want to give you.  New things that I want to do through you, but you must have an attitude of leaving one and going to the other.  Of understanding to build a foundation with what I put in you so far, and continue to build the next level and the next level and the next level,” says the Spirit of God.  “For as you begin to understand what I’ve purposed for you here on the earth, and you begin to do the obedience that will take you into the new, to leave the old and go into the new… to leave the old and go… to leave the old and go  leave!  Leave the old!  leave the old!  lEAVE the old...and go into the new!” says the Spirit

“As you get an attitude of leaving one for another, that I remove one that I might establish another” says the Spirit of God,  “and I remove these building blocks that you’ve built, I build you into a higher place.  I use them as a pedestal that you can get onto and step onto to move you into the next level,” says the Spirit of God.  “And many of you are waiting for you don’t know what.  Many of you are hindered by you don’t know what.  And many of you are not moving and not progressing because you know not where the next place is,” says the Spirit of God.  “Well, the next place is is to leave that in your heart,” says the Lord.  “To let it go and leave it with Me,” says the Spirit, “to understand that there is more to attain, to understand that there is a great hunger that I’ve placed in the hearts of My people,” says the Lord.  “And when you start to respond to that hunger, you must move to a new place of feeding, you must move to a new place of living, and a new place of being cultivated. 

“And this place is in the realm of your soul,” says the Lord.  “There are many things that I need to speak to your mind and I need to speak to your heart, for this creates the atmosphere in which you live, for the kingdom is within you,” says the Spirit of God.  “And I want to cultivate and grow that kingdom, develop it more, make it stronger, make it more beautiful, make it more desirable to you, make it a glorious place for you to abide in,” says the Spirit of God.  “But there must be an understanding between you and Me of high obedience,” says the Lord.  “Of obeying Me when you don’t feel good about it, of obeying Me in spite of what you see, obeying Me over the long run even though you don’t see many of the things answered that you want.  Letting go of some things that I’ve told you are not good for you,” says the Lord.  “Grabbing onto some things that you don’t really want any more,” says the Spirit.  “For I’ve given you things that you might hold onto them for the sake of the kingdom,” says the Spirit of the God.  “And so understand high obedience means an absolute trust of Me and My ways, for I can see what you don’t see and your ways are not My ways,” says the Spirit of God.  “For I am much higher than you and My thoughts are much higher than yours,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“So understand that when I call for you to do these things, and I call for you to release, and I call for you to let go, that I am actually putting something in you, and putting a desire in you for something that is greater and better,” says the Spirit.  “For this is what the earth is longing for.  For they call it revival, they call it many things, but they are looking for the next open door that I have for them.  For the next revelation, for the next cultivation of the next level of the Spirit that they are to live in,” says the Spirit of God.  “For the realm that men live in is much too small for many of them, but they won’t tell Me about it,” says the Lord.  “But when you cry out to Me and tell Me all the things on your heart, and all the things you desire, and you’re willing to do the obedience that it takes to get you there,” says the Spirit of God, “then I will come down and I will begin to move you along on angel’s wings,” says the Lord.  “I will give you that which you desire and you search for, that it will be a greater wellspring springing up in you into everlasting life, into abundant joy and into abundant peace and to everlasting hope for the things that I have in store for you.

“But this takes high obedience,” says God.  “Takes a higher level of commitment to Me.  Takes a higher level of doing whatever it is the master tells you to do.  Of sitting at My feet and touching only the hem of My garment and knowing that that is sufficient to take you to the next level,” says the Spirit of the Living God.  “So understand what I’m placing in you this day,” says the Lord.  “The desire and the knowledge to know that there is still a greater level of obedience needed among My people, that I might bless them to the new level,” says the Spirit of God.  “For when My people are obeying Me in all things, and obeying My voice as I instruct them, then I can pour out, and move them on, and I can grace them and I can use them in a greater and greater way in this earth,” says the Spirit of the Living God.