Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, March 24, 2001

"For such a time as this," saith the Spirit of God. "For such a time as now," says the Lord. "Understand the NOW timing of God," says the Spirit. "If you are in the Kingdom now, you are called for this time," says the Spirit of God. "You are called for this time, and this place, right now, in the here-and-now," says the Spirit of God. "So understand the wisdom of using your time wisely," says the Spirit of God. "You are not called for another time," says the Lord. "Pay attention to the time factor," says the Spirit of God. "Pay attention to the time; how you use your time... what you do with your time... how you budget your time... to redeem the time... to not walk as the foolish, but walk as the wise," says the Spirit of God. "For the wise ones walk circumspectly and redeem the time," says the Spirit of God.

"For there is much time that is wasted," says the Spirit. "Much wasted time," says the Spirit of God. "Much wasted time," says the Spirit of God. "Wasted in indecision and making decisions over and over again that should have been made the day that you laid down your life for Me," says the Spirit of God. "You have only one decision to make in all of your life," says the Lord, "and that is to accept Me, and to accept My total program that I have for you," says the Spirit of God. "Never to raise up and struggle and wrestle with decisions toward My Kingdom again," says the Spirit. 

"And understand that you are a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven," says the Lord. "You are a citizen of the Kingdom of God and of the Realm of God; of the Dominion of God, and of the Rulership, and the Kingship of God," says the Spirit. "You are a citizen of that Kingdom," says the Lord. "And there are certain rules that govern that Kingdom," says the Spirit. "Obey those rules, obey those laws, and you'll dwell richly in My Kingdom," says the Lord. 

"And understand the TIME-that there is no time to waste in religious pursuits, and in things that do not avail," says the Spirit. "But there is much to be done in My Kingdom, and you are called for this time... to deal with things in this time... to work for Me in this time... to be blessed in this time... to receive the benefits of My covenant in this time," says the Spirit. "For I have ordained that these things would be there for you NOW," says the Spirit of God. "And if you understand time, and you appreciate time, then you will spend your time with Me, and spend it wisely," says the Lord.

"Invest time in your spirit. Developing your spirit in My Word," says the Lord. "Invest time in renewing your mind, and submitting to those that I have placed in your life to help you," says the Spirit of God.

"For many of you wrestle against yourselves, thinking you're wrestling against people," says the Spirit, "but you are really just fighting yourself-Shadow boxing-pretending that there is a real enemy," says the Lord. "Lay all of this down and cease wasting your valuable time," says the Lord. "For time will not be given back to you, and time is what I call you into account for. Time is what I judge your stewardship over," says the Lord, "of materials and of time," says the Lord.

"So understand the time in which you dwell in the earth. This is your time to work for Me, to be submitted to Me, to give Me your all-in-all-that I might impart to you the things that you need to do MY will in the earth," says the Lord. "In other words-Your time is no longer YOUR time, but your time is MY time," says the Spirit of God. "This time has been given over to Me by you that you might serve Me and you might be blessed, and that you would no longer waste your valuable time," says the Spirit. 

"So cultivate an appreciation for why you are here," says the Lord. "Cultivate a true, a sober understanding of your work and your place in the earth," says the Lord. "And in this wisdom and in this knowledge that you have about who you are and what your purpose is and what your to do with your time, you will redeem the time, and you will be found faithful because you are working in the time that I have placed you here. This is the time for you to work for Me. You are called to the Kingdom for this time-not to be proud that you're called to this time, but to sober up and work for Me. Allow Me to give you the tools that you need. Put down your old weapons, put down your old ideas, put down your fantasies about what you're to be doing in the earth, and come and reason with Me," says the Lord. "And I will show you your true purpose. I will equip you for every good work, but you have to understand that this time does not belong to you. The time that you are here in the earth is My time with you," says the Spirit of the Living God.