Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, March 18, 2000

“For there is coming a sound,” says the Spirit of God.  “There is coming a sound into the earth,” says the Lord.  “There is coming a sound,” says the Spirit, “that not everybody will be able to hear; not everybody who calls themselves by My name will be able to hear,” says the Lord.  “There is a sound coming into the earth,” says the Spirit.  “And it is a sound of many waters.  It is a sound of hoof beats.  It is a sound of a rushing mighty wind.  It is a sound of urgency,” says the Spirit.  “It is a sound of intensity,” says the Spirit of God.  “It is a sound,” says the Lord, “that will bring the miraculous, will bring the dramatic, will bring the instantaneous into the earth in a great, great measure,” says the Spirit of God.  “And already that sound is manifesting—a little bit here and a little bit there.  And some people don’t recognize the sound; others—they recognize it,” says the Lord. 

“So cultivate a listening ear,” says the Spirit of God.  “Cultivate a listening ear,” says the Spirit.  “Cultivate a listening ear,” says the Spirit.  “For the things of MY Spirit,” says the Spirit of God.  “For the things that pertain to Me,” says the Spirit of God.  “For many will run here and there LOOKING,” says the Lord,  “but it will not be a matter of SEEING but it will be a matter of HEARING,” says the Spirit.  “It will be a matter of hearing accurately,” says the Lord.  “And understanding what you hear, and interpreting what you hear accurately by My Spirit,” says the Lord.  “So the only way that one can hear it,” says the Spirit of God, “is to develop a prophetic ear.  Develop a listening ear to the things of the Spirit that I announce, the things of the Spirit that I give sound to, the things of the Spirit that I give voice to,” says the Lord.  “For there are many sounds in the earth,” says the Spirit of God, “and none of them are without significance,” says the Lord. 

“But the coming move will be a move where people will have to know the sounds,” says the Spirit.  “There are sounds that I have yet to release into the earth,” says the Lord.  “There are sounds that I must declare.  There’s a tuning in and a fine-tuning into the hearing of My people that I must do,” says the Spirit, “so that they can hear and accurately move in and accurately receive what I have, that they might use it, that they might bless people, that they might serve humanity with the things that I send. 

“And so the sound of the hoof beat, the sound of the roaring, the sound of the intensity, the sound of something that is stirring,” says the Spirit.  “The sound of a rotor,” says the Spirit of God.  “That whirring sound—the sound of the whirlwind,” says the Spirit of God, “is coming into the earth.  And those who catch that sound, and follow that sound, and obey that sound will be equipped,” says the Lord.  “Those who hear that sound and follow that sound and catch that sound will be fulfilled.  They will be made ready.  They will be empowered.  They will have the things that they need.  There will be a sound to call them to run to safety, and there will be a sound to call them to advance.  There will be a sound to call them to press in and there will be a sound to call them to gather in,” says the Spirit.

“And so the sound,” says the Lord, “of the wind of My Spirit—that sound,” says the Lord, “is being released in greater and greater measure.  Those who hear it and respond to it and interpret it and obey it will have the things that I promised,” says the Spirit of God.  “But those who are dull of hearing will not know the sound.  They will miss the sound.  They will misinterpret the sound and they will go off to another voice, or they will go off in the realm of seeing, or they will go off in the realm of feeling,” says the Spirit of God. 

“So sharpen your ears.  Fine-tune your ears to hear.  Fine-tune your ears to hear and discern what My Spirit is saying to My people,” says the Spirit of God.  “For there is an equipping yet to come to My people.  There is an equipping yet to come to My body.  There is and equipping yet to come,” says the Spirit.  “And they will be gathered in because they hear the sound.  They hear the noise.  They hear the voice.  They hear the announcement and they rush because of what they hear.  They rush to hear more of what they hear.  They will rush and be gathered together because of what they hear,” says the Spirit of the Living God.

“Time spent with Me prepares your ear to hear,” says the Spirit.  “Time spent with Me prepares your ear to discern this sound,” says the Lord.  “Time spent with Me prepares your ear to hear accurately,” says the Spirit of the Living God.  “So spend time with Me, meditate My word, understand, keep your mind filled with thoughts of Me,” says the Lord, “and My word and My promises—what I say about you, what I say about Me, what I say about all things,” says the Lord.  “Keep yourself tuned into that.  Focus not on yourself and your needs,” says the Lord.  “Focus not on yourself and your needs,” says the Lord.  “Focus not on yourself and your needs,” says the Lord.  “This is a great deception,” says the Spirit, “for it keeps your ears tuned to the material.  It keeps your ears tuned to the carnal.  It keeps your ears tuned to the things that do not edify in this hour.  And surely you will not prepared and you will not be equipped and you will not be ready to go forth for the certain sound,” says the Spirit of the Lord. 

“But I am sending that sound from heaven,” says the Spirit.  “I am sending it down in four whirlwinds,” says the Spirit of the Lord, “for the four corners of the earth.  For the earth will receive what I have.  When it comes from heaven, I prepare many hearts in many places to receive it,” says the Spirit of God.  “So there will not be one person who has to carry it everywhere,” says the Spirit of God.  “For I will manifest here, I will bless one there, I will pop one up here, I will release one there,” says the Spirit.  “I will move in many different avenues,” says the Spirit of God, “to release that sound and release that rushing and release that warning and release that healing and release that miracle and release that blessing that I intend to release into the earth,” says the Spirit of God. 

“And many who think they know will not know and be confounded.  And many who have not known in the past will know great things,” says the Spirit of God, “because they are attuned to hear that certain sound of My Spirit,” says the Spirit of the Living God.