Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, March 13, 2005

Now the Lord’s saying to me that there’s some people who have some areas of their life that they don’t even believe they can have success in anymore. And He’s saying, Just like He raised His Son up from the dead, He’s going to resurrect those desires in those areas where you have just shut Him off and not even felt like He could move. There are areas that you feel that God is moving slowly because of you. And the Lord is saying, “The devil is a liar.” He is not moving slowly or fast, but He is moving after the counsel of His own will. 

And so the Lord wants you to know that “Even in your darkest hour, and even at your lowest point, that the forces of heaven are at work for you. The angels of the Lord are at work for you. God is dispatching mighty help for you. God is sending wisdom to you. And God is giving you confidence about your next move, for certainly there is a next move in Me,” says the Spirit of God. “There is a next move in Me,” says the Spirit of God. “There is a NEXT move,” says the Spirit of God. “And I win every match,” says the Lord. “I win every chess game,” says the Lord. “I win every conflict in every situation that would ever come against Me or one of Mine,” says the Spirit of the Lord. “For I am your shield and your exceeding great reward,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“And if you would just understand that once I have spoken it, and I cannot lie. And I will not change, that I call you a success from the foundation of the earth. And I will not change. The devil can’t make Me change My words about you. And you can’t make Me change my mind about you. But I have spoken it, and I will do it,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“Run! Run! Run!” says the Lord. “Run! Run!” says the Lord. “You are running this race, but with patience. If you will run, the devil can’t catch up to you,” says the Spirit of the Lord. “And when I tell you to move, move out, but move out in a run,” says the Lord. “Move quickly for Me, and move speedily for Me, like a sprinter out of the blocks,” says the Spirit of God. “If you will but run and not hesitate, then all success will come to you,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

You know there’s somebody that’s got a fear of failure. The Lord’s saying, That’s why you fear that. You don’t run when He speaks to you. “Step out and move quickly, like a runner out of the blocks. And the enemy can’t catch up with you and make you fail. But when God moves on your heart and opens the door, you run to it. You get out there quickly. And you get out there immediately. And you’ll find your success as a runner,” says the Spirit of the Living God.