Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, March 9, 2002

"The seed is the Word of God," says the Spirit. "The seed is the Word of God. The Word of God is seed," says the Spirit. "The Word of God is great seed. The Word of God is mighty seed. The Word of God is supernatural seed. The Word of God is powerful seed," says the Spirit of God.

"So put the seed on the inside of you where it can grow, and where you can talk to the One who is the source of all things. For you must put seed on the inside of you that He might grow it into what it needs to be in the full," says the Spirit. "You must ingest My Word and meditate on My Word and consume My Word," says the Spirit of God. "Those who take My Word as seed… those who know what they are doing when they receive My Word are the great producers in this earth because they understand that My Word is seed, and they understand that nothing grows unless the seed comes in," says the Spirit. "Unless the seed comes in your heart, and unless the seed is broken forth, and unless the seed gets planted on the inside of you through meditating, and unless the seed has an opportunity to grow through your worship and your confession and what you think and what you say, then nothing will happen. Nothing happens on the earth without the seed being planted and coming forth," says the Spirit.

"So don't look at your bible as a book. Look at your bible as a packet of seeds," says the Spirit. "As a packet of seeds waiting to be planted in your heart… As a packet of seeds that can bring forth wealth, peace, happiness, health, prosperity, nurturing, friendship, love, companionship… all of the good things you desire. 

"For seeds never look like much in seed form. That's why when you buy seeds in the seed store, there is a picture of the fruit on the package, not the seed," says the Spirit of God. "Look at the fruit possibilities and not the seed. Look at the possibilities of what you can do if you will meditate on My Word… if you will daily take My Word into your heart as seed," says the Spirit of God. "If you will take it in as seed, then it will produce for you. If you will take it in as seed, then it will grow and it will bless you. 

"So look at My Word no longer as mere words, no longer as a bible that you 'must read or I won't be pleased with you,'" says the Lord. "But look at it as seed that when you put it in, and you meditate on it, it will grow, and whatever fruit you see in your heart. Whatever that pattern and the picture is from heaven, will certainly be yours if you meditate on the seed. If you meditate on the seed... If you meditate on the seed... Isaac meditated on a field, and the yield was a hundred fold in that year," says the Spirit of God. "You can get one hundred fold in one year through meditation," says the Spirit of God. "You can get one hundred fold in one year through meditating on the seed that you want," says the Spirit of God.

"So what do you want? You want health? You want wealth? You want a sound mind? You want peace in your heart? You want to love people? Meditate on the seed," says the lord. "Think on the seed. Put the seed in you. Let it grow. Let it produce. Enjoy the fruit! Enjoy the fruit! Enjoy the fruit of your seed," says the Spirit of the Living God.