Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, June 28, 2003

“Your Father is rich! He’s rich! Rich! Rich! Rich! Rich! And you are His heir, and that means you’re rich too. And you can go to your Father, and you can tell Him your need, and wait for His instruction, for He will surely give you instruction. Sometimes, He will say, ‘Just believe.’ Sometimes, He’ll say, ‘Sow a seed.’ Sometimes, He’ll say, ‘There really is no need. Just a need you’ve created in your mind’,” says the Spirit of God. 

“But understand how rich your Father is. He’s rich in wisdom. Rich in knowledge. Rich in understanding. Rich in peace. Rich in joy. And He says, ‘Take no thought, but consider the lilies of the field. Take no thought for those things that you need, but consider the lilies of the field.’ So in your time of mental distress, and your time of concern, consider the lilies of the field. Would you, please! Consider them: they neither toil, nor do they spend, nor do they work, nor do they fret, but your Father… YOUR Father supplies everything that they need. And are you not worth more than they?” says the Spirit of God. “You, who are made in My image, are you not worth more than they?” says the Spirit of God. “For I clothe the grass and I clothe the lilies and they grow and they have great beauty. Solomon in all of his splendor was not arrayed more finely than one of those. “And those are disposable garments to them,” says the Spirit of God. “And I have many garments that I have for you,” says the Spirit.

“So dispose of the garment of worry. Dispose of the garment of fear and concern. Dispose of the garment of hard work and heavy labor, and take my yoke upon thee and learn of Me,” says the Spirit of God. “For surely My yoke is easy and My burden is light. And your Father is rich, and you are His heir, and He has everything for you, and He’ll give it to,” says the Spirit of the Living God.