Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, June 22, 2003

The Lord wants us to know that He wants to visit. He sincerely wants to visit the earth again with His might and with His power. “And the might and the power of God will come in a whirlwind,” says the Spirit of God. “There is a whirlwind of My power coming to the earth,” says the Lord. “and the whirlwind catches up those that it desires,” says the Lord. “This is not a Spirit that you have to beg for or labor for or toil for, but in the Spirit it will catch you up,” says the Lord. “And you will be caught up into the strength and the might and the power of My glory,” says the Spirit of God. “Like the waters cover the seas, I’ll visit people once again! I visit My people with the whirlwind of My might and power. 

“And this power will come into your life and it will strengthen your words, it will strengthen your attitudes, it will strengthen those around you, for it will be an overflow,” says the Spirit of God. “For when a whirlwind comes, it catches up things in the atmosphere, in the surrounding,” says the Spirit of God. “It does not discriminate. And it will fall on everyone that it visits,” says the Spirit of God. “You will be caught up into the whirlwind of My power,” says the Almighty God. 

“So know that this whirlwind is coming to the obedient, to the faithful, to the pure in heart who dearly desire to serve Me and acknowledge Me as Lord and Savior,” says the Spirit of God. “It is available to all,” says the Lord. “I do not discriminate in My gifts, and I do not discriminate in My visitation, but everyone who desires to have more of the Lord Jesus Christ can partake of it, and be strengthened with might and with power in their spirit in the inner man, and trust that the Lord is with them in all things, and that they will reign victorious and reign supreme,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“There is no power like it in heaven or in earth,” says the Spirit of God. “There is no power like it in heaven or in earth. And I desire that people would marvel at My bride. I desire that people would marvel at you,” says the Spirit of God. “And as I catch you up into a new supernatural endowment of power, that marveling will come. It will come. It will come. It will come. It will come. Surely, it will come,” says the Spirit of the Lord.