Prophecy Given Through Barbara A. Williams July 3, 1999

"For this is the reason that the Son of God was made manifest: to destroy the works of the devil and to establish His Kingdom in your hearts. And as it's established in your hearts from your praise and from your declaration and from your words and from your labors in the spirit, you bring the Kingdom to bear down here on earth. That is why the enemy fights you and that is why the enemy resists you. It is to continue to keep the Kingdom bound inside of the hearts of God's people. It is to keep the Kingdom bound up inside of each and every one of you so that you will not have time to release the Kingdom, you will not have opportunity to release the Kingdom, you will not have resources to release the Kingdom.

That is why the plots and plans and strategies of the enemy works so strongly against My people to prevent the release of the Kingdom from with inside of you. For this is the atmosphere," says the Spirit of God, "for the miraculous. This is the atmosphere," says the Spirit of God "for wisdom and revelation to be poured out. This is the KINGDOM ATMOSPHERE," says the Spirit of God. "Where I rule and reign, and where I direct things, and where I give wisdom, and I give gifts and I give knowledge; I give answers, and I give breakthroughs," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"So understand that as long as the enemy can keep the Kingdom bound up inside of you, he has you, he has your goods, he has you joy, he has all of the promises. But if you would dare continue to release the Kingdom from within you," says the Spirit of God. "Those times when you are afraid, RELEASE THE KINGDOM," says the Spirit of God. "Those times when you are depressed, RELEASE THE KINGDOM. Those times when you are being stripped of everything that you thought you possessed, RELEASE THE KINGDOM. The time you are discouraged," says the Lord, "RELEASE THE KINGDOM FROM WITHIN YOU.

Declare what I have said to you. Declare who you are in Me. Declare what I have given you. Declare what you possess on this earth. Make declaration of who you are, whose you are and whom you serve," says the Spirit of God. "Declare My Kingdom. Declare My Majesty and declare My Glory," says the Spirit of God. "And the atmosphere for the miracle will be released," says the Spirit. "You are not waiting on me," says the Lord. " I'm waiting on you; the Kingdom is within you. Release what I have in you," says the Spirit. "RELEASE! And in that atmosphere, I can work miracles. I can give the answer. I can bring the wisdom. I can bring the opportunity. I can set the path and the course for you," says the Spirit.

"So understand that as long as the enemy has you bound, he has the Kingdom bound within you. But if you would dare release what you have inside...If you would dare release from your spirit and cultivate a strong spirit and meditate on the word so that you are rich in me," says the Spirit. "So that you abide in Me and My word abides in you," says the Lord, "then nothing will be impossible to you. Nothing will be impossible to you. Every miracle you need will be instantly available to you," says the Spirit of God. "Because the Kingdom is within you. The Kingdom rest is inside of you. And if you would dare release the Kingdom of My Glory, then My glory would come forth and it would go before you, it would overtake every foe that would ever try to stand against you," says the Spirit of God.

"So understand the plots and the plans and the strategies of the enemy. He is not attacking you because 'you pray so much'. If you would pray more, he'd leave! " says the Spirit of God. "He's not attacking you because 'you do so much for me' ," says the Spirit of God. "Quit the superstitious thinking and get with it. Get with it," says the Lord. "GET WITH IT! And release the Kingdom that is locked up inside of you. Release it so that I will have an atmosphere in your midst that I might bring a miracle. PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD! PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD! Prepare ye the way of the Lord, and I will come in and I will do what you desire. But it's inside of YOU. Release it from inside of you. RELEASE IT FROM INSIDE OF YOU! ," says the Spirit of the Living God.