Prophecy Given Through Barbara A. Williams July 24, 1999

"And the Lord does direct your paths," says the Spirit of God. "The Lord does draw you with His voice and with His anointing and with His presence and with His power," says the Spirit. "For these are the ways of God. These are the ways of God," says the Lord. "That you might not have sight toward the natural things, but that your eyes would be upon Him who is the Author and the Finisher of your faith. That you would not be wise in your own eyes," says the Spirit of God. "That you would not lean on your own understanding in things," says the Spirit of God.

"For I know the end from the beginning," says the Lord. "I know where danger lurks. I know where there's provision and where there's plenty. I know where there's the answer and the solution that you seek," says the Spirit of God.

"So lean not unto your own understanding," says the Lord. "Lean not into understanding what you think is of me," says the Spirit. "But trust in this way that I am leading you," says the Spirit of God. "Even though it may be a new way for you," says the Lord. "Trust that I am leading you in the right direction," says the Spirit of God. "For I have many things to share with you and I have many things to give you and I have many things to teach you," says the Spirit, "before you can be released to do anything for me," says the Spirit of God. "You have to be rooted and grounded in many things," says the Lord.

"So lean not unto your own understanding," saith the Lord. "Lean not unto the knowledge that you think you have gained of me," says the Spirit. "Because my ways are unsearchable," says the Lord. "My knowledge is so deep that you can only get on the surface of it," says the Spirit of God. "And so there are many many things that I keep secret from the earth," says the Lord. "Then there are many things that I make known to the earth," says the Spirit. "So grab onto the things and hold fast to things that you know of me," says the Lord. "Hold fast to the things that I have taught you thus far," says the Spirit. "And lean not unto your own understanding," saith the Lord.

"REMEMBER THE LAST TIME YOU HAD A BRIGHT IDEA," says the Spirit of God. "REMEMBER THE LAST TIME you stepped out on your own wisdom," says the Lord. "REMEMBER THE LAST TIME you followed what the crowd was doing," says the Spirit. "REMEMBER THE LAST TIME you did what the religious were doing," says the Spirit of God. "REMEMBER THE LAST TIME," says the Spirit.

"And understand that I have brought you here to this place that you might learn the right way," says the Spirit of God. "That you might learn the ways of the Lord," says the Spirit. "That your spirit might be developed to a greater capacity. That your mind might diminish. That you might decrease that I might increase in you," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"So understand that I have many things to teach you and I have many ways to show you and I have many things with which I can challenge you," says the Spirit of God. "But I want all of your heart. I want your full attention. I want you focused on me totally," says the Lord. "And then and only then will I begin to open up the good treasure of my storehouse," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"For you are not waiting on me," says the Lord. "I am waiting on you; for you to give me your full attention. For you to give me your full focus. And then I will begin to give you all of the things that you desire to know," says the Spirit of the Living God.