Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, July 22, 2000

“Feel the Fire,” says the Lord.  “Feel the Fire,” says the Spirit of God.  “Sense the Fire of God that comes because of your sacrifice,” says the Spirit.  “Comes because of what you do for Me,” says the Lord.  “The Fire comes because I see what you do and I approve of it,” says the Spirit.  “So feel the Fire…Understand the Fire of the Spirit of the Living God,” says the Lord.  “For this Fire does come to consume and to burn away the things that are not of Me,” says God.  “And these things that you have let go of are an offering and a sacrifice to Me,” says the Spirit of God. 

“So feel the Fire,” says the Lord.  “Understand the purpose of the Fire,” says the Spirit of God.  “For the Fire comes to burn away proud flesh; comes to do away with the things in your life that have hurt you, the things that have hindered you, things that have kept you from coming toward Me,” says the Spirit of God.  “This Holy Fire,” says the Lord, “comes to consume that which you cannot use and I cannot use; that which you offer up to Me, that which you let go of,” says the Spirit of God.  “Your plans, your desires, your wishes, your wants—have to be consumed, and they are ashes, and they are blown away and they are no more,” says the Spirit of God.

“So understand when the Fire falls,” says the Spirit, “that it has a two-fold purpose.  It removes that which cannot be used, but it removes it that it might be established in a better purpose,” says the Spirit.  “So this Fire is burning into your heart a new desire,” says the Lord.  “It’s burning into you a new desire for Me,” says the Spirit.  “For as the Fire begins to grow, it consumes that which is naught, but it also brings forth and burnishes and polishes that which is in the Fire.  That which I have called you to do,” says the Lord, “comes forth gloriously into a greater purpose,” says the Spirit, “because of this Great Fire,” says the Lord. 

“And Yea!  You will turn the world upside-down with this Great Fire,” says the Lord.  “For this Fire is attractive to those who are without.  This Fire demonstrates My Power,” says the Lord.  “This Fire is for signs and wonders,” says the Lord.  “This Fire is for doing the miraculous,” says the Spirit of God, “and for meeting the needs of all humanity,” says the Spirit of God.  “Have I not said that I make My ministers ‘a flame of Fire’?” says the Spirit of the Living God.

“And so this Fire that you feel,” says the Lord, “This Fire that burns in your members, this Fire that burns in your heart, this sense that you have of being close to Me,” says the Spirit of God, “is necessary for a two-fold purpose.  That it will remove that which cannot be used and that which you need to get rid of,” says the Spirit, “and I thank you for letting go of those things,” says the Spirit of God.  “But it also begins to burn a Fire inside of you to bring forth gifts, to bring forth fruit, to bring forth My very Essence and My very Being in your life,” says the Spirit of God.

“So embrace the Fire.  Feel the Fire.  Understand that the Fire of God is your friend—It comes for a good purpose.  It comes to accept and consume that which you offer up to Me, and comes to perfect and to polish that which I can use in you.  So Feel the Fire,” says the Spirit of God.  “Embrace the Fire,” says the Lord.  “Understand that the Fire is for a good purpose.  That it is working a good thing in you.  It’s working a ‘must needs be’ in you,” says the Spirit.  “It’s working a mighty purpose in you,” says the Spirit of God.  “Let it work, let it consume.  Let the Fire do what it must do that you might be perfected in Me,” says the Spirit of the Living God.

“For the prophet’s ministry is a Fire ministry,” says the Lord.  “It’s a Fire ministry,” says the Lord.  “For words are like Fire shut up in one’s bones,” says the Spirit.  “When I speak, who can but prophesy,” says the Spirit of God.  “And understand this about My Dunamis Power,” says the Lord.  “It is not a human power—it is a dynamic power.  It is bigger than dynamite,” says the Spirit of God.  “It is bigger than anything the earth has seen because it is Fire that comes down from Heaven,” says the Spirit of God.

“And so this Fire and this Power must come upon you,” says the Lord.  “Understand that it is necessary,” says the Lord.  “Understand that you are not equipped until the Fire falls,” says the Spirit.  “Understand that you are not ready until the Fire falls,” says the Lord.  “Did I not tell them to wait in the city of Jerusalem until they were endued with Power from on High—and the Fire was the Power,” says the Lord.  “The Fire is the Power,” says the Lord. 

“So embrace the Fire.  Embrace the Power.  Know that the Fire of God is your friend.  It is always your friend,” says the Spirit.  “For as I send a Spirit of Repentance on the earth, it will come with Great Fire,” says the Lord.  “It will come with the Fire that is tormenting those who are refusing Me,” says the Lord, “that they might cry out and they might desire Living Water, which is the Living God.  And so understand the Fire and the purpose of the Fire.  Understand that the purpose of the Fire is good.  Understand that when the Fire comes upon you, you will be changed,” says the Spirit of God.  “It’s an automatic thing,” says the Lord.  “And it’s a good thing to embrace the Fire,” says the Spirit of the Living God.