Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, July 20, 2003

“The zeal of the Lord! Be consumed with the zeal of the Lord! Be consumed with the zeal of the Lord! Set your face like a flint and don’t let anybody stop you! Set your face like a flint and don’t let anybody stop you, especially you!” says the Spirit of God. “Set your face like a flint and don’t let anybody stop you! Be determined to overcome everything! Be determined to overcome everything! Don’t be afraid of the mountain, don’t worship the mountain, just don’t pay any attention to it; Step on it and keep going!” says the Spirit of God. “Step on the mountain and keep going! You’re a giant in His kingdom! Step on the mountain and keep going! Step on it and keep going! Go on to victory! Go on to prosperity! Go on to success! Go on to greatness in God! Go forth! Go on!” says the Spirit. “Don’t stop and check with anybody and see what they’re doing, but go forth and go on!” says the Spirit. “Go forth and go on! I’ve given it to you already! I’ve given you that mountain! I’ve given you that thing that you desire! I’ve given it to you,” says the Spirit of God. 

“Oh, you don’t think you want it… Well I’ve given you that, too. I’ve given a change in your ‘want-to’s.’ I’ve given you a change in your likes and your dislikes. You’re a partaker of My divine nature; you like what I say you like!” says the Spirit of God. 

“So all that’s taken care of. It’s all taken care of. Fret not. Worry not. Be concerned not. Be concerned not. Be concerned not!” says the Spirit of God. “Be concerned not! But go forward and pursue! I’m with you; I give you the power, and I give you the instruction for everything. I pay the bills, I give the power, I do it all!” says the Spirit of God. “What do you need? What do you need from Me today?” says the Lord. “Just ask of Me, I’ll give it to you. People interfering in your life? I’ll take care of it! I’ll take care of it!” says the Lord. “People are no problem for Me. People are no problem for Me.” says the Lord.

“But understand that I open that door and I expect you to go through it, because I’m going through it!” says the Spirit of the Lord. “I’m going through it!”

Now, some of you are involved in a competitive pursuit backwards; you didn’t start the competition, but it was started against you. Maybe you were rejected and replaced with somebody else. So you’re in a competitive pursuit. But God says, “You’re the winner anyway. You’re bigger, you’re better, you’re brighter, you’re cuter, you’re funnier, you’re more of everything. You’ve got to start considering yourself to be more.” See, the devil will try to determine the course of your warfare. We don’t like competition, and we don’t like being in a competitive warfare, but if you find yourself in one, you’ve got to be the best, at least in your understanding. If you don’t call yourself the best, you’ll never win. You’ve got to call yourself the biggest, the best, the greatest, the cutest, funniest, wittiest… You’ve got to see yourself the best, or you won’t win… Keep pursuing! Don’t let the devil steal from you! Don’t walk in fear! Don’t walk in fear! Don’t back up! Keep pursuing! Keep going because God says you’re worth something! You’re not waiting for anything! God’s waiting for you to get some zeal and to believe Him. People who believe Him go out everyday expecting to find it somewhere. If you’re looking, eventually you’re going to be in the right place when it shows up. Because God can help you if you’re moving; He can’t help you if you’re not moving! You’ve got to stay in pursuit everyday. You’re going after something… you’ve got to have it… it must come to you… it’s got to come to you. 

There’s too much potential in God’s house that we haven’t tapped into and we’re not drawing from. If you’re not pursuing, you’re robbing somebody else of something that God has put you there to supply to them. Not just you, but there’s somebody else who needs a blessing and God has put you in this earth to solve their problems as well. So pursue! You’ve got to keep after it! Go get it! Act like you’re hungry for it! Be in pursuit mode! And God loves that!! That’s faith! He loves to see His kids out there just going for it! “Lord, I thank you for sending it to me right now, in Jesus Name. Lord, I thank you for putting me on the path that I can go and receive this! I don’t care how many rejections I get, I don’t care who slams the door in my face. It’s going make me mad, and tougher and stronger to get into the next door, God. Because I’m not offended by what man does and says, but I am on assignment by Almighty God and I will NOT be denied!! I will not be denied! I will NOT be denied! I will NOT be denied, in Jesus Name! It’s MINE AND I’M GOING TO GET IT IN JESUS NAME!”