Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, 

Congregation's response in song led by Brenda Zedlitz, 

January 31, 2003

“Oh, that I would give you to know the love of God,” says the Spirit of the Lord. “For to know the love of God, means to know your Father, to know the Son, and to know the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit. For I am the God who is three in one,” says the Lord. “I am a God who is three in one because you need three in one to complete you,” says the Spirit of the Lord. “You need the three in one oil of the Spirit of God to complete you,” says the Spirit of the Lord.

“And I am the God who is three in one. I am three in one that you might know the love of a father. For many of you have come along in this generation and many of you know not the love of a father because you had no earthly father. And many of you know not the love of the Father because your earthly father was not what he was supposed to be. And you say, “Pity me! Pity me!” but I say to you it is because you need to know the Trinity,” says the Spirit of God. “For had I not created that void in your life that only I could fill, you would not know the fullness of having real Heavenly Father.

“The Spirit of Adoption where as I know I have papers on you,” says the Spirit of God. “For I looked out across humanity, and I saw you, and I saw you, and I saw you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you too. And I chose you, and I decided to adopt you as My very own! 

“For when mankind was separated from Me, I swore and I vowed and I gave My life on it that I would have YOU back,” says the Spirit of God. “Not ‘you’ as a group, but YOU as an individual,” says the Lord. “For I have personal papers with your name signed on it… it is called the Lamb’s Book of Life. And your name is written down, and I chose you personally that you might be My child,” says the Spirit of God. “and I have adopted thee,” says the Spirit of God. “I’ve called you out, and I pursued you when you didn’t even know who you were! And I gave you My identity, and I gave you My blood, and I gave you My Son, and I paid a ransom for you,” says the Spirit of God. “For you were kidnapped and held hostage, and your Father came and found you! And He plucked you out and He ransomed you, and He said, ‘NO PRICE IS TOO HIGH!’ For the devil laughed, and he said, ‘I have him now! I’ve got your man! I’ve got your woman! I’ve got your child!’ And I told him, ‘NO PRICE IS TOO HIGH!’ And he raised the price, AND I RAISED IT HIGHER! And he raised it again, AND I RAISED IT HIGHER! And he raised it again, AND I RAISED IT HIGHER! AND I RAISED IT TO PAY THE ULTIMATE PRICE FOR YOU!” says the Spirit of God. “Now, that’s something no earthly father can match,” says the Lord. 

“So cry not for the loss of natural things, but cry out to know Me,” says the Father. “cry out to know Me,” says the Father.

“And I took My Son, My Only Begotten Son, and I said, ‘Son, we have a people out there who know us not. We have a people out there who we have created and they stumble in darkness, and the enemy has them trapped and the enemy has them bound, and the enemy is telling them they’re no good and they’re worthless. And he’s causing them to sell their bodies for mere pennies. And he’s causing them to put poison in their veins and almost die.’ And the Son said, ‘Father, SEND ME! SEND ME! SEND ME! I’LL GIVE MY LIFE! THE PRICE IS NOT TOO GREAT! SEND ME!’”

“YES! THIS IS NO MERE LOVE!! YES!! THIS IS NO MERE LOVE!!” says the Spirit. “This is love like NONE OTHER!” says the Spirit of God. “For He caused Me to hover over you,” says the Holy Spirit. “I’ve been chasing you, and I’ve been pursuing you since the day you came into this earth,” says the Spirit of God. “And I hovered over you, and I waited for the time when you would listen to Me. And you heard a little bit, and you turned away, and you went on your way, and I shrank into the background, and then I came forward and I hovered some more,” says the Holy Spirit. “For I move in and out. I move in and out. I hover and I move in and out,” says the Spirit of God.

“And I called you one day, and you said YES! And I finally got an opportunity to embrace you,” says the Holy Spirit. “That you might know the Father’s caress and the Father’s touch. And you might know the love of the Son through Me. For I am your comforter. I am the One who is with you to help you. I am your friend,” says the Holy Spirit. “I’m not a ghost. I am a Spirit. I have personhood. I have knowledge, I have wisdom, I have everything you need,” says the Holy Spirit. “And We have come, the three of us, that you might know the love of a great family. That when you have no one who understands you, and no one who loves you, and no one who can touch you, and no one who can tell you you’re wonderful, you can read in the Book who you are. And the Father talks to you as His very own child. And the Son verifies it with His blood. And the Spirit quickens it and makes it alive to you. What more family could anybody desire!!” says the Spirit of God. 

“Once you know Me, you are complete in Me,” says the Lord. “For I have called you to be complete, not fragmented, not dysfunctional, not wounded, and not hurt. But I have called you to be complete in Me,” says the Spirit of God. “And without Me you can do nothing,” says the Lord. “For I am a faithful Creator. I have called you to lean on Me, and trust Me and walk with Me, and be My very own,” says the Spirit of God.

“YES! THIS IS NO MERE LOVE!! YES!! THIS IS NO MERE LOVE!! THIS IS NO MERE LOVE!!” says the Spirit. “For this is love eternal. This is life eternal. This is what I give to you out of My own precious blood” says the Lord. “For I have given you a holy transfusion. I’ve turned you into My righteousness” says the Lord. “I’ve given unto you My very best. You have your inheritance,” says the Lord. “Walk in your inheritance and learn about Me and know Me as the One True and Living God. Yes, know My love today. Know My love today in a full and real way,” says the Spirit. “Know My love today! Know My love today! For I love you, My children. I love you, My children. I love you with an everlasting love,” says the Spirit of the Lord.

“Everlasting Love! Everlasting Love! Everlasting Love! I have loved thee with an everlasting love,” says the Spirit of God. “Love everlasting, love ever true, a love that died for you!! Love everlasting, love ever true, a love that died for you!! A love that died for you! A love that died for you!” says the Spirit of God.


“A love everlasting!     A love that’s true! 
A love everlasting!     I died for you!
A love everlasting!     A love that’s true! 
A love everlasting!     I died for you!

{congregation's response in song}

“I cry ‘Abba Father!’ You have adopted me!!
I cry ‘Abba Father!’ You have adopted me!!

I cry ‘Abba Father!’ You have adopted me!!
I cry ‘Abba Father!’ You have adopted me!!

It’s the spirit of adoption whereby we cry ‘Abba Father’!
Abba Father! Abba Father! You’ve adopted me!!

Abba Father! Abba Father! Abba Father! You’ve adopted me!!”


This prophecy and song were recorded live on CD at the 2003 Gathering of Eagles Conference, 

night one
Prophetic Music on CD from each night of our conferences is available for purchase at our online bookstore