Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, January 12, 2002

It's easy for you. Easy for you. The things of the Spirit are easy for you
If you just meet with Me, and greet with Me, then the things of the Spirit are easy for you.

It's easy for you. Easy for you. The things of the Spirit are easy for you
If you just meet with Me, and greet with Me, then the things of the Spirit are easy for you.

I'm an easy God," says the Lord. "I am EASILY entreated. I am EASILY pleased. I am EASY to get along with," says the Lord. "I make it so easy for you, that most people miss it because they think it's hard. But know that...

It's easy for you. Easy for you. The things of the Spirit are easy for you
If you just meet with Me, and greet with Me, then the things of the Spirit are easy for you.

EASY! TAKE IT EASY! EXPECT IT TO BE EASY. KNOW THAT I AM EASY," says the Lord. "And I will meet you with the anointing that will make everything SOOO EASY," says the Spirit. 

"For most of you are wondering why you want to stand here and pray so long," says the Lord. "It's because I'm making it easy for you. I am showing you how easy it is for you," says the Lord. "So that when I require more spiritual things from you, it's just a matter of meeting with Me and greeting with Me, and the things of the Spirit are easy for you.

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"Get comfortable with the wall coming down," says the Spirit of God "Get comfortable with all the barriers being removed. Get comfortable with a blank check and a free ticket. Be comfortable with that," says the Lord. "Be comfortable and not fear. Get comfortable with it because it is here. Be comfortable with it because it is upon you. Great grace, and great ease, and great ability. Great ability to know and to receive everything that I have for you," says the Spirit of God. "Great grace and great ability to know that it is for you because I've said so," says the Spirit. "Not because you say so, or you want it, but because I said so," says the Lord. 

"For when you are faithless, I am yet faithful. I can't deny I've said it. I can't deny I've promised it to you, and I can't deny I want to give it to you," says the Spirit of God.

"So understand the great grace that is upon your life. Great grace because you haven't balked at My leading," says the Lord. Great grace because you have chosen to have joy in the midst of tribulation and pain and heartache," says the Spirit of God. "Great grace because you have not allowed yourself to become bitter at what I've required of you," says the Spirit of God. "Great grace to know that the walls and the barriers are crumbling now," says the Spirit of God. "Great grace to be able to go in just like they did at Jericho, and receive EVERYTHING that was in the whole place," says the Spirit of God. "Great grace that the wall is down! Great grace! Great grace! Great grace! Great grace," says the Spirit of God. "To know that EVERYTHING that you've asked Me for, I've heard you. Whether you've asked through man, or you've asked through the Spirit, I have heard you," says the Lord. "And I know your heart, and I know what you want, and I know what you need. And so I am sending right now the answer. I am sending the ability and the anointing to plow through and simply receive what it is that I have for you," says the Spirit of God.

"For it is not man that is keeping it from you, as you may suppose and you may think," says the Spirit of God. "But it has just been timing, and just been positioning, and been a number of things," says the Spirit of the Lord. 

"So understand that there is nothing standing between you and that which I have promised you. There is nothing there anymore. For the years of prison have ended," says the Lord, "and the prisoners go free. The years in the dungeon have ended and the prisoners go free. This is the day of liberation," says the Lord. "This is the day of great grace, and great ease with the things that you desire," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"And see if the blessings that I have ordained for you, will not knock on your door one day and come in and chase you," says the Spirit of the Living God. "See if those blessings will not be at your door, knocking on your door to get in to overtake you, and come upon you as I have said," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"And know that this is the day of the great release of great ease of things in the Spirit," says the Lord. "This is the day of the release of the ease of things," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"For it is even at the door," says the Lord. "It is at the threshold," says the Spirit of God. "It is at the door," says the Lord. "It is at the door," says the Spirit. "It is at the door, and believe it is," says the Spirit of God. "Don't doubt and don't fear. But open the door, and let the good thing that I've promised you come in," says the Spirit of God. "Open the door! Open the door! Open the door without fear. Come out! Come out like Joseph did. Wash yourself, and shave yourself. Put on a new outfit," says the Spirit of God. "For it is time to come out," says the Lord. "The time of waiting is passed," says the Lord. "And the time of perfection and completion is upon you," says the Lord.

"And look at the door. Watch what comes to the door! WATCH what comes to the door! WATCH what comes to the door," says the Spirit of God. "And open the door wide and receive what I have for you," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"Great ease and great grace. Great ease! Great grace! Great ease and great grace," says the Spirit of the Living God. 

You know when prisoners are in prison, and things have changed... Like Joseph being in prison, and being charged unfairly, he probably spent many, many days there watching who came and went out of the door of the prison. And there might have been times when he looked at that door in anticipation, and thought, "Well, maybe this is the day they will let Me out!" He got excited about who might be coming. Then maybe there was a string of times where people were taken out of prison and were executed, and he didn't like the knock on the door.

But the Lord is saying that you can get excited about the knock on the door now! You don't have to dread the knock on the door, and you don't have to get discouraged about who's coming in the door, because the day of release is upon you! 

And I imagine that when they finally did come to let him out, he might have been scared that he never would have seen the light of day again. But God is saying to you, "Don't be afraid of who comes to the door because it's all good! It's all good! This is the day of the release, when you don't have to be afraid of evil tidings. You don't have to be afraid, because there's no bad news coming to you," says the Spirit of God. "This is the day of great grace and great release! Great grace and great release! Great grace and great release! Great grace and great release!"

"Keys! Keys!" says the Lord. "Through away the keys! Don't lock anybody out, and don't lock anybody in. But let it be a door of mercy, and let it be a door of grace. Let it be a free door that God can do and bring whatever He wants to do and bring in there," says the Spirit of God.