* 2003 * The Year of The King's Character*

Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, January 10, 2003

This is the year, the Lord is saying, where He will begin to develop a higher level of spiritual fruit in His body. He needs fruit in His body, fruit that will remain. He needs people who are developed in their Spirit-man, in the character of Christ, and in the knowledge of God. And God is putting people in places, testing places, places of stretching, places where there’s not much room to do a lot of things, not a lot of freedom. Many of you are going to feel restricted, even hindered because there’s a press that needs to press the best out of His people. And that press is beginning to squeeze His people so that the best will come out of His people. He wants to show you that there is more on the inside of you than even you know. 

So many of you will experience times where you feel that God is not hearing you, He’s not giving you what you’re asking for. “You’ll be in a straight between two places,” is what the Lord is saying. You’ll be in a confined place. And that confinement is to show you your true self. The confinement is to show you the things that don’t edify, and the things that the Lord cannot use. And those things will be discarded. And many of you will want to give them up quickly because you see the prize before you as much greater than what you’re going through.

So there will be times where you’ll feel this pressure. There will be times when you’ll react to it, but you’ll begin to react to it in a more mature way. The more mature way is not to focus on the lack, or the loss, but to focus on the prize. You won’t be able to focus on the lack and the loss and endure this, but you’ll have to focus only on the prize. Because there are things that are set before you that God knows you can attain to, but you’re not aware of your ability to attain to it until He gets your focus totally on it. When your focus is only on the prize and what He has for you, then it will be easy for you to press forward and reach out and attain to what He wants you to attain to. 

But He has to get your attention, He has to get you concentrated on being a Christian in the full sense of the word, He has to get you focused on being a “sold-out” person, He has to get your focus on understanding what a real call of God is, and how to attain to a call. 

And many people are distracted many times on many things, but this will be a season where those who are distracted will be allowed to follow whatever their distraction is because God can’t use them. At this juncture, if you’re still following distractions, God cannot use you in what He wants to do. So many people will disqualify themselves because they don’t know how to be attentive to the things that God is attentive to. 

So this will be a time where God is helping to reshape your focus -- re-focus you on what you’re here for in this earth. You will be re-focused in the fact that you do not belong to yourself. This life that you are living now is the life of Christ. Your life ended when you were born again and you’re going to know that in a greater and greater way. But there will much freedom there for people who understand in a mature way what God is doing. There will be much freedom in your Spirit, because your Spirit-man will finally be free to obey God and do what God wants you to do. Your Spirit will respond in a greater way to the Spirit of God, because he will finally find something that is worth working for. And your flesh will be less important to you. The things of this earth and this world will be very unimportant to you. You will understand what it means to be an alien and a foreigner here and that your kingdom is not of this world.

“So you will have that focus on you,” says the Lord. “You will have to focus more on more on the inner character that He wants to develop in you; the inner fruit of the Spirit. There will be people that you will see who do not exude this fruit, but you will not have the same reaction to them that you’ve had in the past. You’re going to see some people who are immature in God and accomplishing great things, and you’ll just not notice them because your eyes will be so fixed on what God has called you to do. You won’t have time to notice what your neighbor is doing. You won’t have time to notice people’s faults and failures, you won’t have time to look at things that used to be major distractions to you; you will only have time to focus on what God is doing with you in your life.

“And Jesus will be the center of your life, and He will be your heartbeat, and He will be your first love, and He will be everything to you because this is where the true value of your Christian life is – being totally centered on Him and around the things that He has for you. Things that relate to your family, your possessions, your job, the natural side of life will become less and less important to you as you understand what true faith is. Faith is a knowing that God has it taken care of. And this is where the mature Christian will live in the days ahead. He will live in a knowing that God has things taken care of, and that’s faith. 

“And you’ll begin to develop your faith for greater and greater things,” says the Spirit of God. “Once you understand that the things that I’ve promised you personally are mere pocket-change compared to the things that I want you to do, you’ll have it in the right focus,” says the Spirit of God. “Even as Jesus rebuked His own family when they tried to distract Him from the call, you will develop that character inside of you,” says the Spirit of God. “And it won’t be a hurtful thing to them, it won’t be a pride thing where you lord it all over them, but it will be a thing where you have your eyes totally focused on the prize and where you are going.

“So there will be people whose faces are like flints. A flint is the tip of a spear that pierces any opposition that comes against it. But a spear has an aim, and it’s aimed from your heart, and your heart will know what it is you’re seeking for. And the things that you’re seeking for will not be personal things in this hour, but they will be kingdom things. For I will have a people who are servants of My Kingdom,” says the Spirit of God. “I will have a people who are first - servants of My Kingdom, and second – servants of the things that they desire,” says the Spirit of God. “And they will have things in the right perspective, and they will know how to move in the Spirit, how to maneuver in the Spirit, and how to accomplish great things by the Spirit of the Living God. 

“There are people that I have used in this way that you have admired from afar, but you shake your head when you see the price that they had to pay for the great thing that I’ve called them to do. You will not shake your head at it anymore,” says the Spirit. “You will not wonder how a person can give all that up just for a cause. You will not wonder at these things, but you will press toward them. You will try to be like these people because you will see what they have attained as a higher purpose in this earth,” says the Spirit of God. 

“So I am pulling people forward into excellent things,” says the Spirit. “I am pulling people forward who know that the families are taken care of, the groceries are taken care of, the job is taken care of, all of these things are taken care of because they are mere, mortal, human things,” says the Spirit of God. “And I am developing people who have a higher vision, whose eyes match my eyes, who can look can look out into eternity and see what it is that they’re trying to accomplish in this hour that’s related to eternity. 

“Keep your eyes on eternal things,” says the Spirit. “Keep your eyes on eternal things. Keep your eyes on eternal things,” says the Spirit, “and you will have the right focus, and you will have the right character, and you will be able to do what it is that I’m calling to you to do in the days ahead,” says the Spirit of God. “And I am developing more and more the character of Christ. I am developing more and more the character. I am developing. I am developing. I am developing more and more the character of Christ in this earth,” says the Spirit of the Living God.

“The life of the Body of Christ is a spiritual life. It is a spiritual life. It is a spiritual force. It is a spiritual thing. Put away carnality, put away the carnal things, put away the childish things,” says the Lord. “Come up higher. Come up higher in Me. Come up higher in Me. Come higher in Me. Come up higher in Me. Come up higher in Me! COME UP HIGHER! HIGHER! HIGHER! HIGHER! HIGHER! HIGHER! HIGHER! HIGHER! HIGHER! HIGHER! COME UP HIGHER,” says the Spirit of God. “COME UP HIGHER! COME UP HIGHER! For there is a place prepared for you, but it is a high place, not a low place. And some of you are afraid to leave the low things, but you will leave them because you will have no choice but to come up higher. For you know higher is your destiny, you know higher is a better place, you know higher would be more comfortable for you, higher would be more exciting for you, higher is a better place for you,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“And you know it, but you keep dealing with the low things because you have a fear of what you will leave behind if you go higher. You have a fear of what they will say if you go higher. You have a fear of what they will say if you go up higher. You have a fear for how you will be persecuted if you go up higher,” says the Lord. “But higher you will go. Higher you must go because there is no more fun for you at these lower levels,” says the Lord. “Been there, done that. Been there, done that. Been there, done that. That is the attitude you have about the lower things,” says the Spirit of God. “And your Spirit wants higher things. Your Spirit wants to be challenged. Your Spirit wants to go forward and attain to more of spiritual understanding and spiritual knowledge. And higher you will go because you will find that that is the only place where you can get the answers to take care of the lower things that confound you and that are problems for you. 

“So you’re going to live in the high realm,” says the Spirit of God. “You’re going to live in the high realm. You’re going to live in that realm where everything of God makes sense to you, and everything of this earth is very dull; it shines not as bright. So you will have brightness in your eyes. You will have glory set before you. You will have higher things to attain to,” says the Spirit of God. “Higher things to attain to. Higher things to attain to. You will attain to these higher things because the things that you need will not be given to you until you satisfy the higher level of the Spirit.

“So moving forward is what you must do. Move ahead is what you must do. Press in and press on is what you must do,” says the Spirit of God. “For there is a realm to live in in Me,” says the Lord, “where the evil one touches you not, where the cares of this life are not cares anymore, where the things that were problems for you and would leave you up nights and nights worrying are never even considered,” says the Spirit of God. “There is a place of knowing that all things are given to you. There is a place of understanding all things where there is no confusion and there are no problems,” says the Lord. “And I want to take you into that place. It is My desire to have you abide there, and it is My desire to have you live from that place,” says the Spirit of God. 

“So look up! This year will be a very unusual year for most of you. A year of stretching, a year of coming forward, a year of not being concerned with the things that used to concern you; a year of maturity, a year of being more like Me and being all that you can be. That is 2003,” says the Spirit of the Living God.


See Also Prophecies:

December 21, 2002
* 2003 * The Year of The King's Character*

December 22, 2002
* 2003 * The Year of The King's Character*

December 28, 2002
* 2003 * The Year of The King's Character*