Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams February 7, 1998

The Lord is saying that, "I am preparing a bride," says the Lord. "I am preparing a bride. I am preparing a bride without spot, or wrinkle or any such thing. I am preparing a bride who is not in love with the world or the things of the world. I am preparing a bride who has an enduring and everlasting love inside of her.

"I am preparing a bride who is not stingy with this love; Who will not select who receives and who doesn't receive. I am preparing a generous, and a giving and a loving bride," says the Spirit of God. "That the world might be able to come to her and find shade and refuge in her limbs and in her branches. I am preparing a bride who will provide a shelter from the storms of life for all of those who are weary and who are heavy-laden that they might come to your embrace and they might find rest," says the Spirit of God.

"And think it not strange that some of you have endured and endured and endured and endured. You've endured rejection, you've endured heart-ache, you've endured humiliation, you've endured a public humiliation. You have been publicly rejected by those that you are called to love. You have been called to endure and still serve Me and still stay faithful and still desire to have reconciliation with those who have rejected you," says the Spirit of God.

"And my bride is that kind of a bride," says the Spirit of the Lord. "She stands in this earth and she stands ready to reconcile. She stands ready to embrace. Not because she has need, but because she knows how to give," says the Spirit of God.

"For many of you have had divorces, you've had rejections, you've had hurts, and you've wanted to reconcile because you thought you needed that person. You felt a need and a longing. And I saw that longing," says the Lord. "But I want you to reconcile for the highest purpose and that is to be able to continue to give to that individual," says the Spirit of God.

"For that is why many of you still wait, because you are longing out of your need," says the Lord, "but long out of your ability to give, out of your desire to give, out of your desire to share, and to minister, and to nurture, and to bring truth, and to bring hope, and to bring faith," says the Spirit of God. "For if I allow you to re-join yourself to that person, and they have need and you have need, there'll be no source and no supply for the ministry, for the love, for the power that needs to poured into the relationship.

"So understand," says the Spirit of God, "in the waiting process that I have you planted in Me that you might draw life from me, that you might draw love and comfort from me.

"And as you draw nigh to me and I draw nigh to you, you are strengthened. And when you come back together with that person, then you will be strengthened and you can pour love into them. You can help them mend themselves. You can help that broken vessel to be repaired. You WILL be the true church. You'll be the giving and the loving church that I've ordained for you to be. You'll be a church of strength and a church of power. You'll be just like me.

"For I am a giver," says the Lord. "I am a giver and I am a lover," says the Spirit of God. "I know how to meet the needs of every one," says the Spirit of God. "And in due season you will reap on these things if you faint not," says the Lord. "If you faint not, in due season you will reap on these things," says the Spirit of the Living God.