Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, February 6, 1999

The Spirit of the Lord is saying that, "This will be a year of protecting the anointing at all costs because the wicked one sends the evil report to steal what God has entrusted you with," says the Spirit of God. "To steal that which He can use to bring forth life. To steal that which He can use to impart blessing. To steal what He could use to encourage others. To steal what He can use to bless your life," says the Spirit of God. "The wicked one has come to steal that from you. And he steals it by putting wrong words inside of your heart, countering the Word of faith with the evil report," says the Spirit. "So be careful to guard your heart with all diligence, for out of IT comes the issues of life. Guard your heart. Protect the anointing with right associations. Do not associate with the back-biter, the gossip, the maligner, but associate with those that edify and that speak the word of the Lord.

"Beware of false prophets, for false prophecy will run rampant in this time," says the Spirit of God. "And those who would put you in a wrong way who will say, 'God hath said,' when God hath not said. Those people will have much to say," says the Spirit of God. "Those that say, 'Peace and Safety,' when there is no peace and safety; those words will be rampant," says the Spirit of God. "Those who would try to bless when it is not time for the release of the blessing; those words will be rampant," says the Spirit of the Living God. "As men try to make their own security with their words," says the Spirit.

"And know by cultivating the inner anointing that judges, and puts a knowing inside of you if its God or not; develop that anointing through praying in the Holy Ghost and through meditating on the Word," says the Spirit of God. "And you will be able to judge the word by the Spirit and the content of the word and by the knowing and the witness of the Spirit inside of you," says the Spirit of God. "It's the knowing anointing that judges the word," says the Spirit. "It is not the outer that judges the feelings that you get," says the Spirit. "It's the knower on the inside that knows the Word of God," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"So understand these things. Man does not live by bread alone, but he lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. If it does not proceed from my mouth," says the Spirit of God, "it is not there for you. It is not there by the right unction, and it is not there by the right timing because I know how to release instruction to my people," says the Spirit of God. "So be alert and be aware. Protect what's inside. Protect what's inside; keep it holy, keep it pure, keep it consecrated to me. Protect it, nurture it, teach it, embody it, sanctify it, edify it, embellish it, let it flourish because that is what will sustain you. Like the little woman who had nothing but a pot of oil. Nothing but a pot of oil. Nothing but a little pot of oil, but as she released it to me, she kept it sanctified, she kept it set apart, she kept it set for a holy purpose. And on the day of the release of it, I sent an anointing to cause it to pour and pour and pour. You will be able to pour and pour and pour to help those who are in need, to help those who are confused, to help those who are sick, and weary, and confounded in the days ahead. But you must protect it and keep it sanctified and set apart," says the Spirit of the Living God. "Don't play it cheap! Don't play it cheap.

Don't play it cheap. But treat it as a special and a holy thing," says the Spirit of God. "Come up higher in your way of thinking of who you are in me," says the Spirit of God. "Come up higher, Come up higher.

"And understand that I've place miracles inside of you. Miracles to be poured out at the appointed time. Miracles to be released to help others at the appointed time," says the Spirit. "Miracles to be RELEASED. MIRACLES TO BE RELEASED AT THE APPOINTED TIME," says the Spirit of the Living God. "Released by the unction of my Spirit," says the Lord. "And I know what's needed, I know who it's needed for and I know when it's needed," says the Spirit.

"So make yourself available to me. Those who are willing and obedient will eat the good of the Land. Those who have paid the price in study and prayer and make themselves available will do exploits," says the Spirit of God. "They will do exploits. They will do miracles," says the Spirit. "So keep yourself alert, awake, available, protecting of the anointing," says the Spirit of the Living God.