Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, February 26, 2000

“That which is excellent,” says the Spirit.  “That which is excellent,” says the Lord.  “That which is excellent,” says the Spirit of the Living God.  “That which is excellent is the only thing I have planned for you, My People,” says the Spirit of the Living God.  “I only plan that which is perfect, that which is victorious, that which is pure, that which is whole, that which is of good report; I only plan those things for My people,” says the Spirit of God. 

“So strive to enter in to the place where the excellent thing abides,” says the Spirit of God.  “Strive to enter in to the place where the excellent thing abides,” says the Spirit.  “For I have not called people to be excellent, but to receive the excellent thing from Me,” says the Spirit of God.  “So understand that when you have your vision correct and you have your eyes set on what is excellent in Me,” says the Spirit of God.  “What My Word says I will deliver to you,” says the Spirit of God.  “Then you have the right vision, you have the right plan, you have the right focus.  And as you strive to attain to that and to receive that, I allow you to enter in to the thing that is excellent,” says the Spirit of the Lord. 

“For vision is very important,” says Lord.  “Without a vision people cast off all restraint.  Without a vision, people have no direction.  Without a vision, people have no focus.  Without vision, you will never receive the excellent thing because you will not know what to look for,” says the Spirit of God. 

“But I put in the hearts of people and I put in the hearts of man the desire for that which is excellent,” says the Spirit.  “For I keep that in My excellent place,” says the Lord.  “And as you attain to it and as you strive to enter into it and as you enter into My Spirit, and you allow Me to help you to get in by the anointing,” says the Spirit of God,  “then you receive that which is excellent from Me,” says the Spirit of the Lord. 

“For man’s efforts and strivings to be excellent are but a laugh to Me,” says the Spirit of God.  “They are but a waste of time,” says the Lord.  “For many are trying to accomplish this in their own strength,” says the Lord.  “They are trying to let their flesh be known as somebody who ‘is excellent’,” says the Lord.  “But excellence is part of My Spirit,” says the Spirit of God.  “Excellence is the result that I said I will bring  forth,” says the Lord.  “Excellence is a part of Me,” says the Lord.  “It is not a man-made thing.  It is not a man-controlled thing.  And it is not a man-possessed thing,” says the Spirit. 

“For it has nothing to do with the outer appearance of things,” says the Lord.  “But it has to do with the inner workings of the heart,” says the Lord.  “It has to do with submission to Me.  Meekness and humility, for I said that ‘the meek shall inherit’,” says the Lord.  “They will have everything.  And so the meek are willing to wait for My leading.  The meek are willing to wait for the anointing.  The meek are willing to pay the price and learn and understand until the anointing and the access and the keys come to them,” says the Spirit of God.  “For the meek understand the striving to enter into rest,” says the Spirit.  “The meek understand that they are receiving from Me their rightful inheritance,” says the Lord.  “The meek really know who they are,” says the Spirit of God. 

“The aggressive ones, and the ones who are proud,” says the Lord,  “the ones who throw their heads back and say ‘we only do things with excellence here’,” says the Spirit of God,  “they don’t know Me,” says the Lord.  “They don’t know of My Spirit,” says the Lord.  “They don’t understand anything about their inheritance,” says the Lord.  “For they are groveling and they are trying to attain that which will perish,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“But the people who know Me will do exploits and they will enter in to the excellent thing,” says the Spirit.  “The excellent thing is that thing that I’ve placed in your heart from of old,” says the Lord.  “The excellent thing is the family that is whole and serving God everyday,” says the Spirit.  “The excellent thing is the one who didn’t know how to think properly for himself, but finds himself clothed and in his right mind one day,” says the Spirit of the Lord.  “The excellent thing is the thing that brings humanity back to his rightful Creator,” says the Spirit of the Lord.  “The excellent thing is the thing that will convert men’s souls,” says the Spirit of God.  “That will make a difference in the way men live.  That will make a difference in the way men view themselves.  Will make a difference in that men will see themselves as created in My image and walk upright before Me all the days of their life;  For that is the excellent thing,” says the Spirit of God. 

“And that which is excellent has little to do with ‘glossy paper’.  Has little to do with beautiful churches and beautiful pews,” says the Spirit of God.  “But the excellent thing is that thing that drives a person everyday to pray for a lost soul.  That drives a person everyday to send a note or a card or a message or a tract to one who is weary.  That excellent thing is the thing that causes one to stop and make a phone call, even in a busy day, and give a word in season to one who is weary.  “The excellent thing is hand of a person who’s pen is that of a ready writer and who’s tongue only speaks of wonderful things and marvelous things,” says the Spirit of God.  “That is the excellent thing,” says the Lord. 

“So strive to enter in to that place,” says the Spirit.  “Strive to stay on that road,” says the Spirit.  “For many start on that road,” says the Spirit of God, “and they get detoured by a  false excellence,” says the Lord.  “But My people who know My voice are not deceived and not fooled by this,” says the Spirit of God.  “For they are a people who are seeking My excellence.  And when they come upon it, they rejoice with joy unspeakable,  just as I do,” says the Spirit of God.  “For the things that make you rejoice,” says the Lord,  “indicate the type of spirit you have,” says the Spirit.  “The things that make you rejoice indicate the kind of spirit you have,”  says the Lord.  “The things that make you rejoice indicate what kind of spirit that you have. 

“So have the Spirit of My Son, who for the joy that was set before him endured, and he pressed in until he received the excellent thing, which was HIS BODY, the Church of the Living God,” says the Spirit of the Lord.

“We’re not building kingdoms of buildings on this earth,” says the Lord.  “We’re building kingdoms of people. ,” says the Lord.   “Nations are people.  Kingdoms are people.  I look out and I see people,” says the Spirit of God.  “I see a lost humanity that needs a touch from Me,” says the Lord.  “And I’m looking for those who will go forward and do, go forward and say, go forward and be that example on the earth,” says the Spirit.  “This is the excellent thing.  The excellent thing is the one that will go forward and minister, go forward and preach, go forward and save, go forward and heal,” says the Spirit of God.  “This is excellent,” says the Lord.  “This is eternal excellence.  This is eternal excellence.  This is My Bride, and this is My Body,” says the Spirit of the Living God.