Prophecy Given through Barbara Williams December 20, 1997

"Waves. Waves of splendor and waves of glory," says the Spirit of the Lord. "Waves of splendor and waves of glory," says the Spirit of the Lord. "I am visiting the earth with waves of splendor and waves of glory," says the Spirit of the Living God. "You desire to know how the revival will come; this is how it will come," says the Spirit of God.

"For there is a river that flows from my throne room, and it flows down onto the earth, and the earth is visited in waves," says the Spirit of God. "Have I not said that the earth will be filled with the glory of my knowledge as the waters cover the seas. And the sea moves in waves. It moves in waves. It moves in waves." says the Spirit. "It moves in WAVES. It moves in waves," says the Spirit of God. "It moves in waves. And waves move...and they thrash...and they move...and they thrash...and they finally dissipate somewhere on shore...which is their destination. Waves are called to move into dry places," says the Spirit of God.

"They're called to move in dry places," says the Spirit of God. "And those who think that they have it. Those who think they are wet already," says the Spirit of God, "they won't know the wave of My Spirit. They won't know the move of God because they don't know how dry they really are," says the Spirit of God. "And they will not receive the waves of my glory when they come in. For many are trying to manufacture a revival," says the Spirit of God. "Many are trying to create and own something that they have heard about in times past," says the Spirit of God. "But I know how to create a new wave," says the Spirit, "A new wave. A new wave. A new wave of revival. A new wave of power. A new wave of My Spirit. Even man in the natural--the natural surfer--runs about from one continent to another, from one ocean to another, looking for a new experience, a new wave, a new thrill, a new ride," says the Spirit of the Living God. "And so I have created man with that thirst for the new, that thirst to establish something, that thirst to go into a new thing," says the Spirit of God. "And I have put that hunger inside of believers, not to hold onto the old. For those who hold onto the old really don't know My Spirit," says the Spirit, "for I am new every morning, I bring a refreshing, I make all things new, I am the God of the NEW! And I do bring forth new things and old," says the Spirit of God.

"But those who are trying to hold onto the old and not wanting the new, will miss it. They'll miss it. They'll miss it. They will miss it. And those who are trying to create a false excitement about something that they think is going to happen will miss it. But those who understand and know that they are thirsty, that know that they are poor in spirit, that are meek enough to hunger for me, that are humble enough to stay on their face before me, they will experience the new. The new is for the hungry. The new is for the people who know that they are dry and thirsty. Even though there is water in your midst," says the Lord, "there is a new dimension to this outpouring that is coming. There is a new power that is coming. And those who know my Spirit will truly hunger for it. And when you hunger and thirst for things of me that are righteous things, you will be filled," says the Spirit of God. "But you must know that you are dry and thirsty. You must know that the earth is lacking and in want. You must know that you are poor and not rich," says the Spirit of God. " You must know that you have needs that have not yet been met," says the Spirit of the Lord. "And when you understand that and cry out in that thirst and that hunger, then I will visit you with the first small wave that reaches the shore," says the Spirit of God.

"The first small wave that comes...and then it will come in a bigger wave... and a greater wave...and then a tidal wave...and then the flood tide of My Spirit because it has been welcomed into the earth by those who are hungry," says the Spirit of the Living God. "So understand. This hunger must be here. This dryness in your soul, this thirst in your heart, this restlessness, this longing, this desire must be there. It is a part of faith," says the Spirit of God. "Hunger, longing and desire are a part of faith," says the Spirit of God. "And when that is present, then I will visit. Those that think they have it figured out won't see me. Those who think they know everything won't know me. Those who think they have it all figured out I will not visit. But I will visit the hungry who know they need me, who know they are poor and wretched without me, those who cry out for living water I will visit...in first small waves...then bigger waves...and then bigger waves...and then bigger waves," says the Spirit of God. "This weather phenomenon that they call 'El Nino' is properly named--it means 'the Christ Child'. It is of me," says the Spirit of God. "It is a sign in the natural of the swelling that's going on in the spirit even now. It is a sign in the natural of a swelling in the spirit that is going on even now," says the Spirit of God.

"So when all flesh is tired of boasting in what they know and what they think will happen, when all the false prophecies have ceased," says the Spirit of God, "I will begin to touch those who have been hungry. I'll begin to touch those who have not been fooled, I'll begin to touch those who don't want to own this revival, I will begin to touch those of a pure heart--the bridegroom who's waiting for the bride, who's just waiting. Waiting, waiting, waiting, because her heart is faithful to me. She refuses to love another. And she's been waiting for the real groom, the one true love, to come and sweep her up in the wave of glory. And the real bride knows the real from the false. She is not an unfaithful bride. She's faithful to me, and she knows my glory, and she's waiting for it. And I will come to her in waves...first small waves...then bigger waves...and then a flood tide of My Spirit as the waters cover the seas," says the Spirit of the Living God.