Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams December 13, 1997

" 'The beginning of new things. The beginning of new things' says the Spirit of the Lord. 'The beginning of new things, The beginning of new things, The beginning, yea this is the beginning of new things,' says the Spirit of God. 'Yea, 1998 is upon you. Eight is my number of new beginnings. It's always true,' says the Spirit of God. 'It's always true,' says the Spirit of God. 'Look for new things; things that aren't new to me but they're new to you,' says the Spirit of God. 'I will refresh and renew,' says the Spirit of God. 'I will bring forth some things that were old and will be new to you again.' says the Spirit of God. 'This will be a beginning of new things for you,' says the Spirit of God. 'Miraculous things! HA! HA! Things you thought you'd never do! Yes, I mean YOU,' says the Spirit of God. 'New Things!' says the Lord. 'New Things. For I have been saving this up for a time.' says the Spirit of God. 'for you have been hearing of this and hearing of that. You've been praying for this and praying for that.' says the Spirit of God. 'and this will be the year,' says the Lord, 'of the promise,' says the Spirit, 'This will be the year of the promise. This will be the year where they will say, "God did it because God said He'd do it! It wasn't my faith! It wasn't my good behavior! It wasn't my good works! It wasn't my sin that made me mess up! I didn't miss it! God did it because He said He'd do it, and He's a faithful God!" ' says the Spirit of God."

" 'And look for it anyhow! Those of you who live in doubt and self-condemnation, did I not tell you that when you're faithless, I'm faithful. I can't deny myself. If I told you I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it regardless of what you think you are, where you think you stand, how bad you've been or how good you've been. I'm gonna do it because I said I was gonna do it. Because I am God all by myself. I don't take orders from anybody. I'll have mercy on whom I'll have mercy and I'll pardon whom I'll pardon--even my own children.' says the Spirit of God. 'And just look for it. This will be the year when you'll swear inside of yourself that I won't do it, and I'M GONNA DO IT ANYHOW! And it won't be by might, and it won't be by power, but it will be TOTALLY BY MY SPIRIT!' says the Spirit of God. 'Because I've saved things up for you for an appointed time, and I'll release them when you least think you deserve it just to blow your mind to know how good I am,' says the Spirit of God. "

'So understand this new thing,' says the Lord, 'Believers are going to walk in such grace, such anointing, such favor, such power. People that can't stand your guts are gonna give you things just because they know you can get a blessing through for them. You think you have been waiting to be vindicated. You have not seen anything yet,' says the Spirit of God. 'You have seen nothing yet,' says the Spirit of God. 'And so these things I've saved up for you for a time of release and a timing of release,' says the Spirit of God. 'The world is going to know that my people are a blessed people,' says the Spirit of God. 'That they walk in the blessings. Whether you confess it right all the time or not, I've got it saved it up for you anyway,' says the Spirit of God. 'Where your least effort, your least going forward in faith, your least leaning toward me will bring forth great blessings,' says the Spirit. 'Didn't I tell you if you had faith like a mustard seed--teeny weenie faith.' says the Lord. 'You'd spit it out of your mouth and I'd move mountains with it! Well, you're going to see the day when the church does the least and gets the most!' says the Spirit of God. 'And it's not gonna be by might. It's not gonna be by power. It's not gonna be by your good works. Its gonna be BY MY SPIRIT. Because you have held on, and you have had faith, and you've prayed in faith, and you've stood on the Word, and you've shown me your heart, and I know your heart,' says the Spirit of God.

" 'And doubt no more. Doubt no more because the day of the release is upon you. The day of the release is here. The day of the release is here. The day of the release is here. Those of you who haven't wavered and haven't turned back, and haven't taken your hand from the plow, yours is coming.' says the Spirit of God. 'Yours is coming. Yours is coming. Those of you who have held on when others have said you were crazy, you've held on when they've made fun of you and ridiculed you, you've held on in spite of how you felt about me or anything else,' The Lord says, 'You've held on and great will be your release and great will be your reward.' says the Spirit of God.

" 'And this will be the season of the great unleashing. It will be a new thing that the body of Christ has not seen before. It will be a time when you will walk in power over all the power of the enemy. Where you will truly ride upon the high places. Some of you have said it, some of you have prayed it, some of you have declared it, and it seems like the high places have been riding on you. Well, you will ride on your high places,' says the Spirit of God. 'And it will be easy. It will be easy. For I have yet to release gifts to you, abilities, knowledge, wisdom, anointings, understanding. I have yet to release all of the gifts that make it easy for you to overcome. That make it easy for you to get victory.' says the Spirit of God. 'That makes it easy for you to stand in difficult places.' says the Spirit of God.

" 'So this is the new thing, this is the new thing, this is the new thing. If the body of Christ thinks it's had something to laugh about, its really gonna have a "ha-ha" this time because it's going to be so easy to laugh at the devil. It's gonna be so easy to count it all joy. You're going to see beyond the seen. No longer seeing with natural eyes, but you're gonna see what it really looks like in the spirit to the devil when you pray. You're gonna see what it really looks like to the devil when you give $5.00. You're gonna see what it really looks like to the enemy when you bind him. Your gonna see the pain it causes him when you say those words "I bind you in the name of Jesus." And you're going to see the authority, the judicial authority that my blood carries--you're going to see that in the spirit,' says the Spirit of God. 'You're going to see all of these things. And you will know the power that resides in you that I've placed in you for this hour,' says the Spirit of God.

" 'So this is the day of new things,' says the Spirit. 'Be alert and pay attention to the things of the spirit. Don't let them slip away, but hold on to these things as precious,' says the Spirit of God. 'And you'll partake of everything. You won't miss anything that I have planned for you. But I have planned this release for you in this hour where I'm gonna do it because I said I'd do it. In spite of everything that comes against you, in spite of everything you think you don't do right, I'm gonna do it anyhow because I'm God, and I said I would.' says the Spirit of the Living God."

" 'And I am doing this,' says the Lord, 'to put religion to flight. The religious will be scared at the power you carry because they will think you don't deserve it.' says the Spirit of God. 'For the religious only look at the outward things, they only look at the flesh. They only look at their legal rules and regulations. And they will look at you and say, "Hmm, that person doesn't look like much." but you will speak words and they will feel oceans and currents of my wisdom flow out of you.' says the Spirit of God. 'You will pray one prayer, and a whole family will be healed totally.' says the Spirit of God. 'You will move in such demonstration and mighty power that it will baffle them that they can't grasp it.' says the Spirit of God. 'And people will know my true church; the church without spot or blemish, or wrinkle, means that it is a church that understands the value of truth and walks in truth and walks in the spirit, says the Spirit of God. 'And so many will look, and many will desire what you have, and they will be as the unwise virgins that went out at the last minute to try and buy the anointing, but it will not be for sale.' says the Spirit of God. 'It will be given to those who believe on me.' says the Spirit of the Living God. 'It's given only to those who believe on me. Only to those who believe on me. Not by their works, but by their faith is how they'll know you,' says the Spirit of God. 'You will be people of great faith. You will tread on serpents, you will tread on scorpions. The lion and the young adder, you'll put to flight at a word.' says the Spirit of God. 'And people who used to move in power will look at you with awe that God has blessed you in this way. From the least to the greatest, I will bless in this way,' says the Spirit of God.

" 'So look for it. Doubt not. No unbelief. This is my plan.' says the Spirit of God. 'This is my plan. This is my plan before the foundation of the earth, I've planned this day to announce to you the release of the new thing that you might move in this earth as I would move and you would be me in this world.' says the Spirit of the Living God."

" 'That which has been small for years will suddenly grow and blossom and bear fruit' says the Spirit of God. Some of you maybe have been laboring over things, I don't know if it's your ministry, or sometimes it's the way you view your life. But some of you have been laboring and sowing and being obedient to God and it seems like your efforts have not paid off very much, but God is saying 'in this next season it will blossom and it will bloom' says the Spirit of God. 'Those of you who feel like you have labored much and have toiled much and have received very little will see an increase this year,' says the Spirit of God. 'whether it's an increase in ministry or an increase in finances.' But that's for somebody who feels like they've been giving, giving, giving, putting out, putting out, putting out, sowing, sowing, sowing and getting very little in return, the Lord says that He's seen what you've been doing and He's got it saved up for you and this is the year when it will blossom and come forth. 'This is the day when your increase is going to be released mightily in your life,' says the Spirit of God."

" 'Divine favor will increase and multiply like never before, Things that you used to have to pay for' the Lord says, 'people just give them freely to you. People will begin to pursue you to see if they can bless your life in some way. They will run after you just in order to bless you. And they won't know what's come over them, and you won't know what's come over them, but that's the blessing of Abraham,' says the Spirit of God. 'That's the blessing of Abraham all over the body of Christ.' says the Spirit of God. 'So don't worry about finances. If God tells you to do something, just set your heart to do it. Begin in small ways to put your hand to it, and as you set your hand to it, the increase, the ability, the finances, the vehicle, the equipment, all of it will come in,' says the Spirit of God. 'It will all come in. It will ALL come in. Not one thing that He tells you He'll do is going to fail.' says the Spirit of God. ' It will ALL come in. It will all come in. ALL OF IT! ALL OF IT!'"