Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams August 1, 1999

"Draw nigh unto me," He says. " And I will draw nigh unto you. Draw nigh unto me," He says. "And I will draw nigh unto you. Come and dine at the Father's Table," saith the Lord, "and He will heal you. Come close to me," says Jesus. "I want to know you. I want to heal you. I want to love you. I want to know you. I want to heal you. I want to love you.

See, I want to know you and love you so much, that I want to know you and love you more, really, than I want to heal you. Because I know that when I know you and I love you, you can receive anything from me," says the Lord. "Nothing will be impossible if our relationship is right," says the Spirit of God. "Nothing will be too hard for you if you will trust me with your very life--if you will trust me your very soul--if you will let me deal with you in such a way that I can bring you up into a greater thing," says the Lord. "I can show you My Power and My Glory that I'll bring about inside of you."

Some of you, the Lord says, that He wants to release you into healing ministry. And the only thing that you can see is what you lack of Him. "Come closer," says the Lord, "and I'll show you more. Come closer and I'll show you what it's really all about. Come closer and I will show you who I think you are, not who you think you are," says the Lord. "Come closer! Come closer and behold me! Come closer! Come closer," says the Lord. "Come closer! Come closer," says the Lord. "Come closer! Come closer," says the Lord. "Come close to me and let me embrace you. Let me wrap you up," says the Lord.

Some of you work too hard at it. The Lord says, "You've been working so hard for me and I love you, but sometimes I just want to tap you on the shoulder and say, 'Hey, don't work so hard. Just come here and let me hug you, let me love you. Let me wrap you up in my embrace,'" says the Lord. "Just sit down and rest yourself and talk to me and let me know what you need and let me let me know what you think about things. Let me know what's going on in your life...what your plans are...what your hopes are.

Come and sup with me and dine with me," says the Spirit of the Lord. "Come and tell me everything," says Jesus. "Tell me everything!" says the Lord. "I want to hear about it," says the Lord. "I love you. I don't care how small it is, I don't care what you think about it--just tell me about it," says Jesus. "Come close to me. Share some things with me," says the Lord, " and I'll share some things with you. I've got alot of stuff to tell you," says the Lord. "I've got so many things that I want to share with you, but you've got to come close to me. And you will be made whole. Yeah, I'll take care of that for you. I guarantee you'll get it! I'm going to take care of that for you, but come close to me first. Let me touch you, let me look at you, let me touch you, let me see you. Talk to me. Talk to me," says the Spirit of the Lord.