Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, August 8, 2004


The Spirit of the Lord would say unto you that, “The great day of unfolding of mysteries is at hand,” says the Lord. “A great day of unfolding mysteries is at hand,” says the Spirit of the Lord. “For I’ve many things to reveal, to My body, to My people, to My bride, to My church,” says the Spirit of God. “And in this day and in this hour is coming upon the body, a Spirit of Revelation, a Spirit of Light, Unveiling, Understanding… such as the world has not known before,” said the Spirit of the Lord. “For many mysteries will be unfolded to My people,” says the Lord. “Many things that have been closed to humanity will be opened because of the unfolding of great mysteries to My people,” says the Spirit. 

“And these mysteries are found in My Heart, they are found in My Being, they are found in My Spirit, they are found in My Presence,” says the Lord. “For there will come a time when the heavens will be open and your eyes will be enlightened to great things, great knowledge, great realms of knowledge,” says the Spirit of God. “Where there are many, many things that have been locked away from humanity because of the darkness that is upon the minds and the hearts of men, and dark minds cannot understand light or deep things,” says the Spirit. 

“But I have caused a cleansing and a trial to come onto My body such as she has never known before,” said the Lord. “And those who can withstand darkness will walk in Great light!” says the Spirit. “Not little light, but great light!” says the Lord. “Great light!” says the Spirit. “Great light! Such a light that the church world has not known... Such a light, that answers will be there at the tip of your tongue,” says the Lord. “You will speak forth words that have great power, great wisdom, great knowledge, great unveiling, great opening of doors… And the great quest of My people will not be for the material any longer,” says the Lord. “The great quest of My people will not be to have the beggarly elements of the world given to them,” says the Spirit. “But the great quest of My people will be to have light and understanding and revelation and knowledge, which is fellowship and kinship with Me,” says the Spirit of God. 

“For there are many things that need to be done in this earth, many doors that need to be unlocked, and I will give My people the keys of wisdom, the keys of knowledge, the keys of revelation, and the keys of understanding that will unlock great doors and great minds will become fruitful in Me” says the Lord. “Great ideas will come forth to bless people,” says the Lord. “Great liberty will come on people who sit in darkness,” says the Lord, “because My people have tapped into the hidden mysteries and the hidden knowledge that I have longed to reveal to them from ages past,” says the Spirit of God. 

“And this is the generation who can receive this knowledge. This is the generation that can receive this wisdom. This is the generation that can receive this great light,” says the Lord. “And this light will shine, and this light will brighten the paths of many, will bring many to salvation, bring many out of darkness, bring many out of locked places,” says the Spirit of God. “For you have seen great numbers of people who are afraid… who love Me and want Me, but are afraid to come forward and seek Me,” says the Lord. “But that day will soon come to a close. For many will come and will want the Word; many will come and sit at the feet of all of My disciples, and will listen to your every word because your word has such great wisdom, and such great knowledge, and great light,” says the Lord.

“So understand the light that is coming upon My body. Your many trials and your many tests, and your many endurances have not been in vain,” says the Lord. “But they are preparation. They are stretching of your Spirit. They are the stretching of your wineskin that you might be able to hold a great light that I’m pouring forth into the earth upon the hearts of My people,” says the Spirit of the Living God. “So look for it, and watch for it. It’s your inheritance. It is coming to you. It is coming to you. It is coming to you in all of its great glory because it is for you,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“A people who have sat in darkness will see a great light,” says the Lord. “And that light is My Bride, the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven and that is your spirit,” says the Spirit of the Living God.