Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, April 24, 2005

“I am not you and you are not Me,” says the Spirit. “I am not you and you are not Me,” says the Spirit. “Though I dwell in you and you are Mine. I am still God,” says the Lord. “Don’t make what’s hard for you hard for Me,” says the Lord. “For nothing is too difficult for Me. Just because it’s hard for you to imagine and hard for you to conceive, and hard for you to believe, don’t make it hard for Me to do,” says the Spirit. “For I can do ALL through you through the Spirit of Christ that strengthens you. 

“But because I am not you and you are not Me, don’t get us confused,” said the Lord. “Don’t get your inability mixed up with My ability,” says the Spirit of God. “Understand that I am God, and above Me there is no other,” says the Spirit of the Living God. “Understand that I am the Lord, and above Me there is no other. I am the Ultimate Power that you can draw from,” says the Spirit. “And because it’s hard for you, don’t make it hard for Me. Don’t think I’m weak and don’t think it’s impossible for Me to do,” says the Spirit of God. 

“Don’t limit Me,” says the Lord. “Don’t limit Me. Allow Me to move outside of your thinking box,” says the Spirit, “Allow Me to be sovereign and to move the way I move,” says the Spirit of God. “For I cannot deny myself and once I have promised something, I will deliver,” says the Spirit of God. 

“And your only job is to worship Me and believe in Me,” says the Lord. “Worship Me and honor Me and believe in Me. The more you worship, and the more you honor Me, the more I can do for you. The more you believe in Me, the more I can do for you,” says the Spirit of God. “So honor Me as I honor you,” says the Lord. “I honor your request, but I move and I bring them in in My way,” says the Spirit. “And understand that when I move, I move according to the counsel of My will,” says the Lord. “For I am not you and you are a not Me. Quit confusing the two of us,” says the Lord. “Don’t ever get us confused, and understand that I am God and above Me, there is no other, and I will do what I said I will do because I cannot deny Myself,” says the Lord. 

“And if you would move the limitations and move self out of the way, I will do exceeding and abundantly beyond all you could ask or think. But you must believe and let the power of faith work through you,” says the Spirit of the Living God.