Prophecy given through Barbara Williams, April 16, 2005

“The roar of the Lion,” says the Spirit of God. “The roar of the lion has returned to the church. The sleeping bride has awakened,” says the Spirit of God. 

“Awake My beloved, My beautiful one. Come away with Me,” says the Spirit. “Come away with Me,” says the Spirit. “To devour the prey, that has set itself against My people, and against My church, and against My purpose in the earth,” says the Spirit. 

“And just as the waking lion awakes to roar and paralyze her prey from afar, and paralyze her prey that is near, My church,” says the Lord, “has shaken herself from her sleep and her slumber and she is shaking herself yet again, and awakening herself, and stretching, and yawning, and stretching her muscles, and flexing her claw,” says the Spirit of the Lord, “to pounce upon the enemy… to capture that which has held us captive,” says the Spirit of God, “to capture that which has held us captive,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“And that roar is being heard in the spirit,” says the Lord. “That roar is reverberating throughout the realm of the spirit, and every devil is paralyzed at the sound of the awakening church,” says the Spirit. “The sound of the church that does not slumber,” says the Lord. “For the sleeping church will yet sleep. But there are those the remnant that I have called to be My laborers, says the Spirit, that is shaking herself and waking herself, and causing herself to be alert and to be awake and to slumber no more,” says the Spirit of God, “that she would stand on her prey until every enemy of My kingdom is made My footstool,” says the King of Kings. 

“And know that you are that bride,” says the Lord. “You are called to that place,” says the Spirit. “But you must take your place and you must shake yourself and you must wake yourself. You must wake yourself from selfishness. You must wake yourself from thinking about things that are not everlasting and that perish in the use,” says the Spirit of God. “You must shake yourself from your concern for the things of this life,” says the Spirit of God. “And awaken your eyes to look afar to the eternal purpose for which I’ve called you to this earth,” says the Spirit of God. “For there is an eternal purpose to which you were called,” says the Lord. “It is your true purpose on the earth,” says the Spirit. “And you must shake yourself. And you must wake yourself. And you must come out of the world’s sleep, and the world’s dope, and the world’s slumber, and the world’s persuasion,” says the Spirit of God. “And shake your spirit, and cause your spirit man to stand to attention once again; to hear the command of the sound of the Soldier that is marching on, and that is roaring yet as He marches,” says the Spirit of God. 

“For march, march, march and roar, roar, roar is coming,” says the Spirit. “The sound of the march, march, march and the roar, roar, roar is coming,” says the Spirit. “The sound of the march, march, march and the roar, roar, roar is coming in the spirit,” says the Lord. “For she is a roaring lion, but her face is set as a flint as a soldier, and she will not be turned back, and she will not be deterred because she is on a mission to capture what has held us captive,” says the Spirit. “To capture what has held My people captive,” says. “It’s to capture what has held My people captive,” says the Spirit. 

“And great freedom and great liberation… liberty like has not been seen on the earth before or will be seen again shall fall upon the earth as my bride takes her rightful place,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“Great things that you’ve never seen,” says the Lord. “Great things… Great things that you have never seen,” says the Lord, “will explode on the scene. They’ll just explode before you,” says the Lord. “It is a manifestation of the thunderings of God. It is the fruit of the thunderings of God as He roars His voice through His beloved as she walks in her dignity and glory on this earth,” says the Spirit of the Living God. 

“Seek the things that are above,” says the Lord. “Seek the things that are above,” says the Lord. “Seek the things that are above,” says the Lord. “The things of this earth will just appear before you without seeking, when you know Me, and you seek what I seek. They will appear before you, when you know Me,” says the Spirit of God. “So seek those things, that are above, and surely, I will be true to My word and My promise to you,” says the Lord. “I will be true. If you will be true, I will be true. If you will be true to Me, I will be true you. If you will be true to Me,” says the Lord. “I will be true to you. I will be true to you. I will be true to you.”


See Also Prophecies:

August 16, 2003