Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, April 14, 2001

“The cloven tongues of fire and the rushing mighty wind.  The cloven tongues of fire and the rushing mighty wind,” says the Lord, “the cloven tongues of fire and the rushing mighty wind will visit the earth again,” says the Lord, “not many days hence.  Not many days hence.  Not many days hence,” says the Spirit.  “But that same power that ignited the church in the early days must be allowed in again in this hour,” says the Spirit.  “Must be allowed again in this hour; must be allowed again – must be.  Must be.  Must needs be.  Will be.  Has to be.  Must be allowed back into the earth again,” says the Lord.  “For the enemy has come and he has deceived many and he has shut it out, because many are satisfied – way too many are way too satisfied with much too little of Me,” says the Spirit.  “Many, many, many people are way too satisfied with much too little of Me,” says the Lord.  “For many run here and there when they hear of a trickle and they hear of a little bit, and they hear of this and they hear of that.  And they try to extend it, and they try to prolong it, and they put man’s hand upon it, and they put man’s brand upon it,” says the Spirit of God.  “And I must flee those places,” says the Lord, “for I will not share my glory with another, and I will not allow man to steal my glory, for it would destroy him if he tried to control my glory,” says the Spirit of God. 

“So many will run here and there looking for a trickle and looking for a drop, and they will find a drop and they will find a trickle, and they will be satisfied with the drop and the trickle, and they will talk about it for years and years and say, ‘Didn’t we have a great move of God!’  But you are not of that sort,” says the Spirit, “for you are the type that knows that the floodgate must come open.  You know that there is not enough.  You know that the power is not adequate.  For you have a vision of the day when those who are sick will be healed – every single one.  You know that there is a meeting where Jesus will heal them all, if he is allowed to get free and do it,” says the Spirit.  “For you are not satisfied with the trickle of things, and you are not satisfied with the length of time it takes even to get a saint healed,” says the Spirit of God.  “For it takes too much time,” says the Lord.  “Too much down time of my mighty machine in the earth,” says the Spirit of God.  “Too much down time – too much time in repairs and too much time spent in spiritual hospitals,” says the Lord.  “For I need a body that I can repair quickly,” says the Spirit.  “I can repair this body quickly,” says the Spirit of God.  “This is a body that gets healed as it goes,” says the Lord.  “As it goes doing and preaching, and doing and preaching, and doing and preaching, and doing and preaching, this body begins to be healed – it heals itself by its own words,” says the Spirit of God.

“And so this is the day that’s coming,” says the Lord.  “The day of the fire – the cloven tongues of fire and the rushing mighty wind are coming not many days hence.  Not many hence.  Not many days hence,” says the Spirit.  “Not many days,” says the Spirit of God. 

“So separate yourselves.  Sanctify yourselves.  Bring yourselves into a place where I can find you, because when the power pours out, you must be at the right place at the right time where the outpour is,” says the Spirit.  “You must be at the right place at the right time where the outpour is.  Don’t get restless.  Don’t be caught in the wrong place at the wrong time,” says the Lord.  “Don’t let that moment pass you by.  But seize the moment,” says the Spirit.  “Understand your calling.  Understand where you are to be.  Keep that hunger and that thirst alive for me,” says the Spirit.  “And the cloven tongues of fire and the rushing mighty wind will visit you, and will remain, and will grow, and will branch out, and will hit many, and will hit many, and will hit many, and will hit many, and will hit many as you go forth under my direction,” says the Spirit of God. 

“So understand that it is coming – it is coming – it is even upon you now – it is even at the door.  Allow the cloven tongues of fire to come in.  The Fire, and then the Wind.  The Fire, and then the Wind.  The Fire, and then the Wind.  The Fire, and then the Wind.  The Fire and then the Wind,” says the Spirit of the Living God.

“And say not to yourselves, ‘Oh, it couldn’t happen here…  He’s not talking about us…  We’re not ready’,” says the Lord.  “Say not to yourselves, ‘we’re not ready’,” says the Lord.  “You don’t know what ready is,” says the Spirit, “so how would you know if you’re ready or not?  But I say ‘Look for it!’” says the Spirit.  “I say ‘Look for it!’  I say ‘Look for it!’  I say  ‘Look for it!’  I say ‘Look for it!’  Not many days hence.  Not many days hence.  Not many days hence,” says the Spirit of the Living God.

“And the day will come,” says the Lord, “when the priest will not be able to minister and stand by reason of the cloud,” says the Lord.  “For the cloud is coming… it is resting and it’s hovering right above,” says the Spirit of God.  “And it descends and it descends and it descends, and in a day when you don’t believe it,” says the Spirit of God, “it will come in full manifestation, where you will say, ‘we don’t need a preacher today.  We don’t need a preacher, for God Himself has done it.  For God Himself has done it.  For God Himself has done it,’” says the Spirit of God.  “‘For God Himself has done it.  For God Himself has done it’” says the Spirit of the Living God.


(Congregation’s response to the Word of the Lord 

Prophetic Declaration)

We don’t need a preacher, For the Lord has done it!!

We don’t need a preacher, For the Lord has done it!!

We don’t need a preacher, For the Lord has done it!!



♪♫   We don’t need no preacher

We don’t need no preacher   ♪♫

♪♫   We don’t need no preacher

For the Lord has done Great Things!  ♪♫


♪♫   We don’t need no preacher

We don’t need no preacher   ♪♫

♪♫   We don’t need no preacher

For the Lord has done Great Things!  ♪♫

(repeated 4 more times)


For the Lord has done Great Things!  ♪♫

♪♫ For the Lord has done Great Things!

For the Lord has done Great Things!  ♪♫

♪♫ For the Lord has done Great Things!



See Also Prophecies:

January 13, 2001

October 31,1998

October 24,1998